OK here's the final result. I think I learned enough that I can incorporate some of it into my ongoing stories although I was trying to get a blowjob to work and it just wasn't so who knows.
#horsecock #loli #animation #sound #reversecowgirl #slosh #moan #fuck #semibestiality #bestiality #furry #notreallythough
#horsecock #loli #animation #sound #reversecowgirl #slosh #moan #fuck #semibestiality #bestiality #furry #notreallythough
Good morning #Mastonauts #MasoPlanners #Mastodonians #TuskeHeads and #Tooters. Hope you have a great week. Sometimes I just talk in gibberish when telemarketers call. #ThingsIToldTheTelemarketer #KindOfFeelBad #NotReallyThough
#mastonauts #masoplanners #Mastodonians #tuskeheads #tooters #thingsitoldthetelemarketer #kindoffeelbad #notreallythough