Starting to put the pieces back together after the boat move… Everything wiggled while it was on the truck, and the windows leak even worse than usual. I know the pictures may look pretty & all, but it’s REAL messy and quite the project. Guess I know what I’ll be doing every weekend for a while 😅
#sailing #notsailing #project #sailboat
We are house minding atm.
But In the new year we’re going on a camping trip.
So I bought Therese a 200w solar panel, a solar extension lead and a solar controller for Christmas.
Think I’ll get way with it?
Me neither.
“But you can use them on the boat too, Therese!” Jim ducks.
“They were really cheap!” Jim dives.
#ChristmasPresents #Houseminding #NotSailing #christmas
#christmaspresents #houseminding #notsailing #christmas
I changed the oil and oil filters in two vehicles yesterday.
Drove both cars half onto the footpath. Crawled under along the gutter ( just) and drained the oil into a pan and removed and replaced the old oil filters.
Now, you’d think the road, footpath and me would be covered in oil at this point.
But no. Turns out there was some sort of car maintenance miracle y’day.
So pleased. Had to share.
#NotSailing #camping #OilChange #VehicleMaintenance #TightSpaces
#notsailing #camping #oilchange #vehiclemaintenance #tightspaces