Aye the Lies have It I say The Lies.Salvo
#NotMyKing #NotScotlandsKing
#NotScotlandsKing https://salvo.scot/to-be-a-sovereign-scot/
@henrytait8 No modern nation should tolerate the notion of royalty/nobility by birth. It's a ludicrous proposition to suggest one person is better than another based on the family they were born into.
Independent Scotland must become a republic with all due haste and remove this anachronism from our society,
#notscotlandsking #ScottishRepublic
I see they’ve put up black netting to hide the #Republic protest on St Giles Street from bigears in the cathedral. What a waste of money this #pointlessPomp is. #NotMyKing #NotScotlandsKing
#notscotlandsking #NotMyKing #pointlesspomp #republic