My mom was really into macrame for a couple of years in the 70s, so I also tried it. I'd kind of like to pick it up again, but I don't know how much jute twine to buy.
It's a knotty problem.
Ach ne wirklich, daß die #Zocker mit dem billigen Geld auf die Schnauze fliegen… war doch eigentlich klar. Seit der SubPrime Krise hat scheinbar keiner dazugelernt. Nur € Zeichen in den Augen und sich von irgendwelchen #YouTube Dudes zu passivem Kapital bequatschen lassen. Und als nächstes kommt die #DerMarketRegeltEs Partei FDP sicherlich auf die Idee ein paar Milliarden in die #Immobilienblase zu versenken, damit sich noch ein paar Porsches verkaufen in den nächsten Jahren. #notsorry
“Allein in den vergangenen Wochen machten gleich mehrere #Immobilienentwickler schlapp[…]. Eine Lawine ist in Gang gekommen und rollt über die deutsche Bauwirtschaft. Sie droht Wohnungen und Gewerbeimmobilien für zig Milliarden Euro sprichwörtlich unter sich zu begraben. Sie gefährdet Bau- und Handwerksfirmen in ihrer Existenz. […] Die Lawine droht Tausende Menschen finanziell mit sich zu reißen, die ihr Erspartes und eigens aufgenommene Darlehen in Eigentumswohnungen und Häuser investiert haben […] Anleger bangen um ihre Einlagen in Immobilienfonds, und vielen Städten drohen halbfertige Bauruinen auf unbestimmte Zeit[…].”
#zocker #youtube #dermarketregeltes #immobilienblase #notsorry #immobilienentwickler
🎶 Pick me up
Put me down
Put my feet back on the ground 🎶
Prominent evangelical leaders are big talk when it could result in murder, and cowards if it could harm their image to own their abuse of US and repent.
#CivilWar #Evangelicals #NotSorry 🤷♀️
#civilwar #evangelicals #notsorry
Today in Leather:
Didn't happen because ... lazy.
Today Elsewhere:
I was totally lazy #NotSorry and didn't do anything other than make homemade mayonnaise for the first time in my life, and simply on a whim.
But I feel really good, so a day of rest was what I really needed, especially after last week's employment workload which was a veritable μαραθών...
"All west coast panel" yeah but we know all the coolest records managers are in the Midwest. #notsorry #theseGuysArePrettyCoolTho
#notsorry #theseguysareprettycooltho
I have actually put
the plums
you gave me in
the icebox
A compulsion which
I was notably
not understanding
before today.
Forgive me
they will be delicious
so sweet
and so cold
I'm not really feeling too great after I got into the bread cabinet AGAIN #Today on this #FriYay. Mom staff left the kitchen door open n I slipped in, found the bread and ate, well, SEVERAL slices of bakery grade whole 🌾 wheat nom noms! 😸 Plus I wouldn't let go of the bag when mom caught me red pawed and she had to SPRAY me with the kitchen faucet 😾to separate me from my stolen 🍞 booty. #NotSorry! #TuxedoCat #CatsOfMastodon
#catsofmastodon #tuxedocat #notsorry #friyay #today
#TTRPG #SelfPromoWednesday #MixingMyHashtagDays #NotSorry
The VOD of @forgottentroupe
playing @lostguidegames #NeonShadows is available for viewing!
A Dance of Sun and Shadows | A Neon Shadows Playtest via YouTube
#ttrpg #selfpromowednesday #mixingmyhashtagdays #notsorry #neonshadows
Bueno, ba edan gabe disfrutagaitz egin zitzaizkidan 27 "lolololo" horietaz aparte izugarri ondo pasa nuen atzoko Manu Chaorenean.
Akustikoak erremixik ekarriko ez zituela uste nuen eta ze oker nengoen. Dena nahasketa, dena erremix, mestizaia irredento eta erradikalki baikor etengabekoa.
Bestalde, behin ikusita ezin desikusi Pocoyo umetako Manu Chao dela.
"Follow me, follow you"
#AbbaUpYourSocialMedia #NotSorry
#HashtagGames (one that I just made up because I'm silly, but I'm sure this has been done before...)
#abbaupyoursocialmedia #notsorry #HashtagGames
Last night, decided to dig into #StarWarsExpandedUniverse. Never got into it, cuz it seemed so nebulous w/a lot of hit-n-miss books. W/Disney, et al actively flushing my beloved mythos down the toilet, did some research, and started listening to the #ThrawnTrilogy on audiobook. It was often at/near the top of any listical/article I found, so figured I'd start there.
I'm 4 chapters into #HeirToTheEmpire, and totally loving it!
#starwarsexpandeduniverse #thrawntrilogy #heirtotheempire #starwars #notsorry
@sheepchase @FlockOfCats lol 😂
The guy stopped the car and was like: I'm just gonna wait this NOPE goes away
Also it's translation speed was pretty quick! 😮 I bet you can't beat it! #pun #sorry #notSorry
Post-travel negative daily antigen test #4 👍 but got questioned why I bothered to test without symptoms... Is asymptomatic COVID not a concern anymore?
Fine I'm sorry I'm paranoid about bringing the plague home... #notsorry
If you know who this is
I'm sure you can hear him singing.
You're welcome!
1970's pic of Tiny Tim playing the ukulele. Probably singing - Tiptoe Through The Tulips