JM Longworth, OEF · @GreenMtFriar
1161 followers · 21 posts · Server

One of the fascinating kernels I'm taking away from the Foundations of Traumatic Spiritual Care course that I took was a completely fresh and non-dualistic of both performative spirituality and spiritual bypassing.

Performative spirituality encompasses both the toxic self righteousness of imaginary perfection, and the earnest stumbling of "fake it till you make it" from the recovery movement.

Spiritual bypassing encompasses the hurtful denial of reality that often crops up in the face of death and suffering, and the self soothing courage that allows us to put our lives on the line for others.

It would appear that wisdom is non-binary.

#traumainformedcare #selfcompassion #interiorwork #chooselife #notsosimple

Last updated 2 years ago

John Chapman · @jaydax
550 followers · 458 posts · Server

Why are people so excited by the news that the US has produced more energy from a nuclear fusion experiment than was used to initiate it? We've been doing that since 1952 when the first hydrogen bomb was exploded. The problem remains of how to capture that energy released so that it can be used to power another reaction and use the excess to generate power.

#notsosimple #nuclearfusion

Last updated 2 years ago