ecobee's "smart" thermostat is kinda dumb. The eco+ mode decided that, even though I had the setpoint at 26ºC, it was going to change it to 24. This resulted in the A/C turning on during peak rates.
I disabled eco+ for the rest of the day.
Hey ecobee, I chose 26 because it's still comfortable and my house on even the hottest days doesn't heat up enough to turn the A/C on until after 7 PM when the rates are lowest. You trying to outsmart me is actually costing me money.
A gentle reminder to not try to pet the fluffy cows. Because that may be the outcome. Thanks.
SmartHome ohne Internet-> dümmer als ein DumbHome. Anders ausgedrückt: das Internet geht nicht, ich kann mein Licht nicht einschalten. Hmpf! #smartHome #NotSoSmart #seufz