@scalzi @cstross @mvilain
TIL writing is a very personal thing.
is anyone else bothered by the fact that it was only the black man that was not given a bond hearing before turning himself in for the Trump indictments/arrests? WTF??? And why is no one else metionaing this??? #NotSurprised #TwoTiers #Unequal.
#unequal #twotiers #notsurprised
Day i leave... Torrential rain starts at 3.... And my flights delays and ain't making the next one... #notsurprised
#notsurprised #karkatdyinginagluetrap
Idag på fikarasten gick en besökare rakt in i personalens lunchrum och bad om hjälp av en specifik kollega. Efter 4-5 minuters samtal dem emellan sa jag ifrån att det inte var okej, varken att vara i personalrum eller att störa under rast. Intressant nog blev kollegan (!) irriterad på mig och undrade hur störd jag egentligen blev. Jag försökte hävda principiellt, så de gick. Ingen av de andra kollegorna sa nånting....förrän dörren var stängd efter dem.... #notsurprised
#NotSurprised #Lightfoot lost
Surprised a #Chicago incumbent lost
#chicago #lightfoot #notsurprised
I am thrilled that the summer will be filled with the goings-on in the #Kohberger case. It’s even better for me because I worked at DeSales University for for years, where the suspect spent four fucking years. I did not care for that institution at all. #notsurprised
so last night after being so damn frustrated with things being flakey on iOS safari for my cache fetch() bg task, I went down the rabbit hole on the JS event loop, tasks and micro tasks. safari doesn't accomplish things in the expected order.
and when I say expected order, I'm referring to the standard.
Must read. How #Russia is trying to manipulate and keep #Sweden out of #NATO by playing with Turkey feelings. #notsurprised #natoexpansion #NAFOExpansionIsNonNegotiable
RT @BadBalticTakes
The Koran burning protest that infuriated Turkey and derailed Sweden’s NATO application was organised by Russia.
Here’s how… 🧵
#russia #sweden #nato #notsurprised #natoexpansion #nafoexpansionisnonnegotiable
@mistyswoman #notsurprised She is venal, vitriolic, vile. As are all of HMG. Are we surprised? No. We’re not.
Breaking: Son of alleged Paul Pelosi attacker David DePape alleges Pelosi was holding DePape as a "sex slave"
She's protecting other Republicans? Who would have thought? #notsurprised
@Chron This was pretty expected since Musk took over. It was only a matter of time. #notsurprised
#notsurprised #politics #vote #thinkforyourself
Yevgeny Prigozhin - admitted he had interfered in U.S. elections and said he would continue to do so — for the first time confirming the accusations he has been rejecting for years.
“We have interfered, are interfering and will continue to interfere. Carefully, precisely, surgically and in our own way,” Prigozhin said in remarks posted by his spokespeople on social media.
#notsurprised #politics #vote #thinkforyourself