Dante Mercurio · @dantemercurio
76 followers · 344 posts · Server ioc.exchange

With the LastPass vault heist, a quick reminder that one of the best ways to increase password entropy while making it easy to remember is to use a phrase or some common words to increase the character count.


With salts and password iterations, cracking the vaults should prove difficult, still the offline attack capability is giving me strong nostalgia remembering auditing Windows NT SAM files with L0phtCrack and John the Ripper.

Also, obligatory XKCD direct link that is included in the article:


#notthisagain #passwords #lastpass #infosec #cybersecurity

Last updated 2 years ago

MelancholyBear · @melancholybear
37 followers · 423 posts · Server mastodon.world