This is old but oh so funny!
You are BLOCKED!!!!
" blocked. blocked. blocked. you're all blocked. none of you are free of sin" 😂
#funny #howtotopyoursub #notwhatyouthink
How Your Car's Paint Color Impacts Its Resale Value (And Which Colors Hold The Most Value)
I love the weirdness of history: Tango began as a dance between two men, in slums and barrios, and (I'm told) in mining camps. It only became a sensual dance between two genders later. #dancehistory #notwhatyouthink
#dancehistory #notwhatyouthink
nEw zEaLaNd hAs SoCiAlZeD hEalThCaRe
#medicine #newzealand #NewZealand #NewZealandIsNotSocialist #WeBarelyHaveMedicine
#Aoteaora #immigrants #notwhatyouthink #americannurses #nurses #traveltonz #donttraveltonz #wehavenoproperhealthcare
#Underfunded #underfundedmedicine #nzisrightwing #rightwinghellhole
Some meds here are funded. But the newest and best ones are not. In actual fact we are about 40 years behind in medicine here and we don't have a comprehensive range of testing available unless you have health insurance. If you are coming here for our healthcare think again. We do not have proper healthcare. At all.
#medicine #newzealand #newzealandisnotsocialist #webarelyhavemedicine #Aoteaora #immigrants #notwhatyouthink #americannurses #nurses #traveltonz #donttraveltonz #wehavenoproperhealthcare #underfunded #underfundedmedicine #nzisrightwing #rightwinghellhole
Nice video, especially since they used some of my tweets 😁. Check it out ⬇️
#NYWT #NotWhatYouThink #SlavaUkraïni
#nywt #notwhatyouthink #SlavaUkraini
So, I woke up in my boss’s bed this morning. #outofcontext #NotWhatYouThink
#outofcontext #notwhatyouthink
Slušný přehled o stavu ruské armády. Občas až zarážející.
#Russia #army #notwhatyouthink