Some recommendations for anti-racism training & education...
Ashani Mfuko's courses and coaching:
Theresa M. Robinson's training, speaking, and online courses:
Denise Branch's anti-racism education & training:
Sharon Hurley Hall's Anti-Racism Newsletter:
#antiracism #inclusiveleadership #notwokewakingup
6) No matter your position, all of this work is circular, as Erin Corine Johnson notes in this video:
"We are never done having these conversations...if you want to do this work, personally or professionally, know that you're going to be in it until the day that you leave this planet."
#antiracism #inclusiveleadership #notwokewakingup
Also, #5 is aligned with #2, because when you are specific, relevant, and consistent, the data is, too, and that gives you the opportunity to iterate.
#antiracism #inclusiveleadership #notwokewakingup
5) Success in anti-racism is measured not in feelings but in feedback and data.
As experts across DEIJB and anti-racism often note, many initiatives (projects, commitments, etc.) lack real investment and measurement.
The answer to "is what I'm doing working" isn't in your head, it's in the responses of the people whose experience you're centering, whether via direct collaboration, interrupting structural racism, or a company-wide program.
#antiracism #inclusiveleadership #notwokewakingup
4) If you are not constantly considering your position in structures big and small, you are likely doing more harm than good (h/t Farzin Farzad's reminder here:
It's wise to maintain a formula to check your positionality in a given moment – for example, with respect to anti-racism, mine is listen 100x, act 10x, talk about it 1x.
#antiracism #inclusiveleadership #notwokewakingup
2) If you look like me, you may be tempted to "seek best practices" to "reach a larger audience," but most of the time, it's better to be specific, relevant, and consistent because you are overestimating your abilities.
3) As Denise Branch often notes, "what goes unnamed goes unchanged," and if you find yourself reacting to specific language, that's a sign you need to pause, slow down, and invest in training from educators & leaders
#antiracism #inclusiveleadership #notwokewakingup
A few reflections on practicing anti-racism, from my long run this week...
1) Your why matters, and being clear about it requires work in small groups and offline, especially.
If you don't, odds are good you'll get tangled up in supporting "morality" and "respectability" arguments with people who openly enjoy the fruits of racism and rely on visceral responses to recruit others – more on that from Theresa M. Robinson:
#antiracism #inclusiveleadership #notwokewakingup