@sindarina also I'd only call something securely #E2EE'd when the user holds the #PrivateKeys!
#NotYourKeys #NotYourData
#PGP/MIME [i.e. #GPG & #OpenPGP] are the only fully #decentralized option for that.
#decentralized #openpgp #GPG #pgp #notyourkeysnotyourdata #notyourdata #notyourkeys #privatekeys #e2ee
If you need secure 1:1 chat, #XMPP-#OMEMO is the way to go. You could even use something like #DeltaChat which is based on PGP/MIME-eMail and allows you to keep stuff #E2EE - encrypted yet also save a history which you'll get sync'd across devices.
Remember: #NotYourKeys = #NotYourControl = #NotSecure!
#notSecure #notyourcontrol #notyourkeys #e2ee #DeltaChat #omemo #XMPP
Don't even trust me!
Use #XMPP-#OMEMO & #PGP/MIME because #NotYourKeys = #NotSecure!
Only #SelfCustody of #PrivateKeys allows full control.
#encrypteverything #privatekeys #selfcustody #notSecure #notyourkeys #pgp #omemo #XMPP
@yawnbox I think it's illusional to belive that any of the #GAFAMs will ship non-#backdoored or #Govware-free services amd products.
Simply because not doing so will make it illegal to market worldwide due to #cyberfacist laws like #ITAR / #USML & #WassenaarArrangement.
Every #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider solution is inherently bad.
#NotYourKeys = no real #E2EE!
#NotYourBox hosting it = no real control about data!
#notyourbox #e2ee #notyourkeys #SingleProvider #singlevendor #wassenaararrangement #usml #itar #cyberfacist #govware #backdoored #gafams
@FediFollows @cryptpad @briar @delta @prav @gajim @Monal @kaidan instead of relying on providers like @Tutanota and @protonmail, ise actual #E2EE like #PGO/MIME / #GnuPg as natively supoorted in #Thunderbird out of the box!
#NotYourKeys = #NotInControl!!!
#notincontrol #notyourkeys #Thunderbird #gnupg #pgo #e2ee
@terraboop I only use stuff that doesn't take away my control...
#Remember: #NotYourKeys = Not real #E2EE!
@ahriboy Unlike @torproject which is sufficiently decentralized that people from the #TorProject can't shutdown #OnionServices [otherwise they would've been forced at gunpoint several times already], #ProtonMail stinks #Glowie like #CryptoAG did since The Causa Bühler...
In fact @protonmail snitches on users constantly and I'd also not trust @Tutanota in that sense.
Remember: #notYourKeys = #NotYourControl = no effective #E2EE beyond #SSL & #TLS transport encryption!
#tls #ssl #e2ee #notyourcontrol #notyourkeys #CryptoAG #glowie #ProtonMail #OnionServices #torproject
@objectinspace @talon their eMail ain't more #E2EE than any other provider's #SSL / #TLS...
Use #GnuPG / #OpenPGP for actual E2EE...
Remember: #NotYourKeys = #YouAreNotInControl!
#youarenotincontrol #notyourkeys #openpgp #gnupg #tls #ssl #e2ee
Publishing a "breaking news" episode of Generation Bitcoin about the SEC, Binance and Coinbase and what that means for you.
Remember kids..
#Notyourkeys (not your coin)
and #btcfixesthis
@downey True, #Zulip & #IRC don't do #E2EE, but neither does #Signal or #Telegram or #WhatsApp.
#NotYourKeys = #NotSecureEncryption.
No public APIs = no client & server diversity = backdoors are trivial to integrate.
#notsecureencryption #notyourkeys #WhatsApp #Telegram #Signal #e2ee #IRC #zulip
@neil @Em0nM4stodon #WhatsApp does not employ actual #E2EE, since users don't own the private keys at all.
Also they're #collaborators in the #PRISM program - just like their acquiring company #Facebook - so they can't and won't violate #ITAR, #CloudAct & said agreement.
Or as all the #Monero people might say:
" #NotYourKeys = #NotInYourControl!"
#notinyourcontrol #notyourkeys #monero #cloudact #itar #Facebook #prism #collaborators #e2ee #WhatsApp
I just wrote the software to calculate the checksum of the first words for a #bitcoin wallet.
You can create the first words with some dice & add the last word.
#BIP39 compliant.
With 62 lines of #python, and a single external library you can now be secure.
#notyourkeys #python #bip39 #bitcoin
RT @fotiosdotcom
@COLDCARDwallet Mk3 KISB Guide Bundle
Highly recommended
#bitcoin #safety #notyourkeys #notyourcoins
#NotYourCoins #notyourkeys #safety #bitcoin
Me: Storing #bitcoin on Coinbase
Government: "Aand it's gone. Suck it."
Me: Owning my #bitcoin keys
Government: ...
Government: "Pretty please sir, could we confiscate your bitcoin?"
#NotYourKeys :bitcoin:
Gurba's gon fishin' if you're a #notyourkeys person, rest easy knowing that this expedition is #notyourproblem ;) http://reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/f6rocq/gurbas_gon_fishin_if_youre_a_notyourkeys_person/