Dhjana: **#Novaky12 vrijgelaten, aanklacht blijft gehandhaafd**
"In Slowakije heeft procureur-generaal Jaromír Čižnár gisteren de vrijlating bevolen van de 12 activisten van Greenpeace die daar sinds woensdag in de cel zaten. De twaalf, onder wie Slowaken, Tsjechen, Finnen en Belgen, hadden vorige woensdag tijdens een geweldloze actie een spando…"
Indymedia: **#Novaky12 vrijgelaten, aanklacht blijft gehandhaafd**
"In Slowakije heeft procureur-generaal Jaromír Čižnár gisteren de vrijlating bevolen van de 12 activisten van Greenpeace die daar sinds woensdag in de cel zaten."
The 12 activists, arrested on Wednesday in Slovakia for peaceful demonstration against coal, will now been released on bail
They still face criminal charges for their non-violent protest in the fight against #climatechange
#ActivismIsNotACrime #Novaky12 #EndCoal https://t.co/u3MOiUYSOH »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/GreenpeaceEU/status/1069961337151909891
#climatechange #activismisnotacrime #novaky12 #endcoal
Indymedia: **Statement Slovakia Free #Novaky12**
"Statement from the #EndCoal and #ClimateJustice movement in Slovakia, concerning the 12 comrades who are held in custody."
#ClimateJustice #bot #Anarchisme #endcoal #novaky12
Enough is Enough: **#Slovakia, Statement: Free #Novaky12**
"Statement from the End Coal and Climate Justice movement in Slovakia, concerning the 12 comrades who are held in custody. Originally published by Indymedia NL. Image above by @tomistro Note: Enough is Enough is not organizing any of these events, we are publishing this text for people across t…"
#bot #Anarchism #novaky12 #slovakia
#Slovakia, Statement: Free #Novaky12 - #antireport #EndCoal #ClimateJustice #limityjsmemy https://enoughisenough14.org/2018/12/04/slovakia-statement-free-novaky12/
#ClimateJustice #limityjsmemy #endcoal #antireport #novaky12 #slovakia
Dhjana: **Statement from #EndCoal and #ClimateJustice movement concerning the #Novaky12**
"Statement from the #EndCoal and #ClimateJustice movement, about the 12 activist who are currently held in custody after a peaceful bannerdrop at a Slovak coal mine Hi folks, this is going to be a long post, but the situation is cri…"
#ClimateJustice #bot #Anarchisme #novaky12 #endcoal
« Die #Novaky12 sind nach einer friedlichen Anti-Kohle-Protestaktion in der Slowakei in Haft. Weltweit solidarisieren✊ sich Greenpeace-Aktivisten - in #Berlin fordern sie vor der slowakischen Botschaft die Freilassung der Inhaftierten #ActivismIsNotACrime
https://www.greenpeace.de/themen/energiewende-fossile-energien/kohle/verkehrte-welt https://t.co/kcldz9L6IR »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/greenpeace_de/status/1069914796022222849
#novaky12 #berlin #activismisnotacrime
« Unglaublich! 12 Greenpeace AktivistInnen sitzen in der Slowakei in Untersuchungshaft. Sie haben friedlich gegen die Kohleindustrie protestiert, die unsere Umwelt und Gesundheit gefährdet. Ihnen drohen bis zu 5 Jahre Gefängnis.
#ActivismIsNotACrime #Novaky12 #EndCoal https://t.co/LCMBmlALXv »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/GreenpeaceAT/status/1069199752154075136
#activismisnotacrime #novaky12 #endcoal
« The coal industry is a threat to our health and the environment. So why are the activists who protested against this destruction facing criminal charges?
@PellegriniP_ is this is a crime? #ActivismIsNotACrime #Novaky12 #EndCoal https://t.co/Njir6DaovV »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1069201337085292545
#activismisnotacrime #novaky12 #endcoal