Today's #socialistsunday a report from #Novara #NovaraMedia about Israeli forces are deliberately targeting Palestinian paramedics, that's in addition to journalists, children etc.
Yet the West continues to arm and support this apartheid state.
Not strictly #socialism, but considering posting this could get me kicked out of the #LabourParty its close enough!
#socialistsunday #novara #novaramedia #socialism #labourparty
‘If ‘progressive’ centrist politicians really want to strike a chord, they need a compelling story for the country, not just more hard luck stories about themselves. Most people don’t care, nor should they.’
Listening to Ash Sarkar speak to an ex Ultra-Orthodox Jew talking about being an atheist. At the same time a Jehovah’s Witness shows up at my front door trying to invite me to their convention next week. I actually laughed and he probably thought I was laughing at him. I wasn’t, it was just the situation. I’m trying to think about the chances of something like that happening 🤔😂
#athiesm #Religion #novaramedia
class consciousness is the foundation of any radical politics - :blobcatZapatista:
I heard that somewhere on #NovaraMedia probably from Aaron here, anyway, great interview if you want to try and understand who are the petite bourgeoisie, and more interestingly how if you, like probably most of the the 25-40ya graduates on this platform could be called the downwardly mobile petite bourgeoisie but of course your political outlook is different from the small business owner but why they share the same class.
#ClassSystem #TLDR
#novaramedia #classsystem #tldr
‘While it’s easier to understand individuals as victims, and certainly easier to generate traffic from their stories, one of the primary targets of the spy cops were the trade unions – from the Fire Brigades Union to the National Union of Teachers and the Communication Workers Union – of which deceived women were members. Curiously, much evidence of police infiltration of unions has been excluded from the inquiry.’ #SpyCops #NovaraMedia
#BBC Give Another Absurd Interview On #Israel and #Palestine
#bbc #israel #palestine #novara #novaramedia
seizing the means of production :anarchistflag:
Listening to the Working Class History podcast about the Portuguese revolution of 1974 where workers took over factories and managed them collectively, I wondered to myself if this could ever happen today? Well it can, and did at an automotive factory in Florence, Italy, this year. When the bosses made the workers redundant the workers occupied the factory, and have raised money to buy back the factory with the plan to form a workers’ cooperative building cargo bikes.
#cooperative #WorkingClassHistory #collectivism #NovaraMedia
#cooperative #workingclasshistory #collectivism #novaramedia
Jamie Driscoll debates Labour establishment talking head McTernan on austerity... 🤦♀️
#socialism #socialist #solidarity #anticapitalism #labour #LabourParty #ukpolitics #novara #novaramedia
#socialism #socialist #solidarity #anticapitalism #labour #labourparty #ukpolitics #novara #novaramedia
Interesting interviews with some landlords outside National Landlord Investment Show the other day.
#socialism #socialist #ukpolitics #politics #novaramedia #novara
#socialism #socialist #ukpolitics #politics #novaramedia #novara
#Tory Minister’s HOWLER On #QuestionTime
#NHS #ToriesOut #ToryScum
#NoPrivatisation #NHSunderfunding
#novaramedia #tory #questiontime #nhs #toriesout #ToryScum #noprivatisation #nhsunderfunding #healthcareisahumanright #HealthcareCrisis
#IsraeliPolitician Panics In BBC Interview Over 🇵🇸 #
Palestinian Deaths
#novaramedia #israelipolitician
The free-for-all greed that has manifested its ugly parasitical head since the pandemic is absolutely vile. Still they take, while knowing people struggle. It’s a disease that needs a cure… and Labour isn’t the answer. #samearsedifferentcheek
“Last week, the Guardian ran a story exposing a particularly egregious, inflation-busting cash grab on the part of Britain’s six telecoms giants.” #greedflation #news #novaramedia
#novaramedia #news #greedflation #samearsedifferentcheek
How are they going to keep #politics and #news out of #Threads? Algorithmically? 🤔 For me, the big appeal of #socialmedia is being able to get updates from say #NovaraMedia or #JustStopOil who use it as a broadcast platform
#politics #news #threads #socialmedia #novaramedia #juststopoil
"Riots in #France"
#SihameAssbague interviewée par #NovaraMedia (angl)
#Nahel #JusticePourNahel #Nanterre #ViolencesPolicières #LaPoliceMent #LaPoliceTue #LaPoliceAssassine #PoliceFR
#france #sihameassbague #novaramedia #nahel #justicepournahel #nanterre #violencespolicieres #lapolicement #lapolicetue #lapoliceassassine #policefr
Yeah, what's with #NovaraMedia ?
Why are they consistently shit?
I mean, they post stuff and you think, yeah, then they just post establishment friendly bullshit. They're just waiting to fill the #Guardian's boots when the Guardian fails.
One of the best podcasts listened to on AI and AGI… highly recommend if you want a view from someone working in it, with a sense of the ethics. #novaramedia #ai #agi
Introducing: the sisters or mercilessness.
These Nuns Helped the Homeless Until They Showed Up On Their Doorstep | #NovaraMedia
An uplifting tale from #NovaraMedia of how a group of anarchist housing activists discovered a disused convent and decided to open it up as a homeless shelter using squatting law.
Its owners, the Union of the Sisters of Mercy of Great Britain are not best pleased, but full marks to Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lufthur Rahman, who told the Met to back off harassing the squatters.
#Squatters #HousingCrisis #Homelessness #London #UK
#UK #London #homelessness #housingcrisis #Squatters #novaramedia
ACFM Microdose - Sitcoms at Work
Great podcast, covering some of my favorite shows/movies. #SiliconValley #Severance #OfficeSpace … #podcast #ACFM #NovaraMedia
#siliconvalley #Severance #officespace #podcast #acfm #novaramedia