#Russia labels #NovayaGazeta editor and #Nobel winner Dmitry #Muratov 'foreign agent'
To hear Dmitry Muratov and to understand how the #Russian liberal #media was decimated, banned, chased out please check out the #Putin ’s media marathon episode of #TheGlobalJigsaw
#russia #novayagazeta #nobel #muratov #russian #media #putin #theglobaljigsaw
In 2021, when Muratov co-received the #NobelPeacePrize, he dedicated the award to #NovayaGazeta’s “fallen” journalists who “gave up their lives for their profession”.
Since 2000, Novaya Gazeta has seen six of its journalists and contributors killed, including investigative reporter #AnnaPolitkovskaya, who was shot dead in #Moscow on President Vladimir #Putin’s birthday. #Ukraine
#Russia adds #Nobel prize-winning journalist #DmitryMuratov to list of ‘foreign agents’
#dmitrymuratov #nobel #Russia #ukraine #putin #Moscow #AnnaPolitkovskaya #novayagazeta #nobelpeaceprize
#Prigozhin’s last crew: Who else was on the #Wagner chief’s jet that crashed in #Russia yesterday?
#prigozhin #wagner #prigojine #russie #russia #groupewagner #wagnergroup #novayagazeta
Gotta respect this Muratov fellow:
’ Muratov says he stayed behind in Russia for two reasons. The first was that “he had a contract with the newspaper” that he was obliged to fulfil – and “despite the 100 laws” trying to prevent him, he would do that to the best of his ability. The second is personal: his mother is ill and facing an operation and, as the only son, he must be on hand to care for her. ’
#novayagazeta #Putin #UkraineWar #Russia
#Russia: The brutal attack on
#NovayaGazeta journalist Elena Milashina & lawyer Aleksandr Nemov in #Chechnya is an appalling act of violence that shows contempt for #HumanRights & #PressFreedom. It must not remain unpunished.
#pressfreedom #HumanRights #Chechnya #novayagazeta #Russia
Russia, la giornalista anti-Putin brutalizzata: "faccia verde", com'è ridotta ora https://go.squidapp.co/n/irEwoDJ
One Year in: How Putin's war has changed journalism in exile
#Russia'swarinUkraine #Mediainexile #Russianmedia #OneyearofRussia'swarinUkraine #Russianjournalists #Meduza #TVDozhd #NovayaGazeta
#novayagazeta #tvdozhd #meduza #russianjournalists #oneyearofrussia #Russianmedia #mediainexile #russia
Lesenswerter Artikel von #LeonidGozman, Journalist der #NovayaGazeta Europe, in der #TAZ über #Putin & die Auswirkungen seines Handelns auf #Russland:
Mission erfüllt, Putin kann gehen
#leonidgozman #novayagazeta #taz #putin #russland
Ich finde es super, dass die @tazgetroete Texte von Novaya Gazeta Europe veröffentlicht. Es ist unheimlich wichtig zu lesen, was die Autor*innen der in Russlands Diktatur verbotenen Zeitung über den Ukrainekrieg und seine Auswirkungen in ihrem Heimatland zu sagen haben.
#novayagazeta #medien #ukrainekrieg
#novayagazeta #medien #Ukrainekrieg
#meduza, #novayagazeta and many others stand by #tvrain
#UkraineRussiaWar #tvrain #novayagazeta #meduza
#meduza, #novayagazeta and many others stand by #tvrain
#UkraineRussiaWar #tvrain #novayagazeta #meduza
La censu
RT @MediasetTgcom24
Mosca revoca licenza per Novaya Gazeta, Onu: colpo a libertà dei media russi #NovayaGazeta #russia https://www.tgcom24.mediaset.it/mondo/mosca-revoca-licenza-pernovaya-gazeta-onu-colpo-a-liberta-dei-media-russi_54415880-202202k.shtml
#friedensnobelpreisträger #DmitriMuratow von der #novayagazeta über seine Sicht auf #russland nach der #spezialoperation
„Sie haben die Zukunft zerbrochen“ | дekoder | DEKODER | Journalismus aus Russland in deutscher Übersetzung
#friedensnobelpreisträger #DmitriMuratow #novayagazeta #russland #spezialoperation