A new #introduction after switching servers. (The other server was weird and made it difficult to find people!) I'm an associate professor of #VictorianLiterature and #NovelStudies at #UniversityOfToronto and #UTM. Interests include #QueerTheory, #Psychoanalysis, #LiteratureAndPhilosophy. Reviews editor at Victorian Literature and Culture. You can find my book BAD LOGIC at Johns Hopkins University Press. Working on THE GROUNDS OF THE NOVEL, about the novel's metaphors of fictional being.
#introduction #victorianliterature #novelstudies #universityoftoronto #utm #queertheory #psychoanalysis #literatureandphilosophy
#Introduction Hello, #AcademicMastadon #litodons #LitStudies #LitScholars #literaryscholars
I am a #professor of #americanliterature . My research interests include:
contemporary American #NovelStudies
Environmental humanities #envhums
#AdrenalineNarrative #adventure #narrative
#naturewriting #narrative #adventure #adrenalinenarrative #ecofeminism #ecocriticism #envhums #feministtheory #novelstudies #americanliterature #professor #literaryscholars #LitScholars #litstudies #litodons #AcademicMastadon #introduction
My #introduction. I’m a scholar of #VictorianLiterature, #NovelStudies, #GenderAndSexuality, and #LiteratureAndPhilosophy at #UniversityofToronto. Who knows whether I will use this site any more than I do Twitter, which is not a whole lot!
#universityoftoronto #literatureandphilosophy #genderandsexuality #novelstudies #victorianliterature #introduction