Novel Exploration · @novelx456
129 followers · 593 posts · Server

Day 1. Intro Day. If you could hang out with one of your side characters for a day, who would you choose? Why?

I'm Phil. I'm retired & live in the East Midlands, UK, with my wife. I have three novels in the drawer and I'm working on number four. They are all set in the 21st century UK

Which side character?
(Find file. Check manuscript. My memory is shocking)

'Climate Bridges'
Upper Teesdale
Makes butter & is deeply connected to the earth

#novelx3 #writingwonders #amwriting

Last updated 1 year ago

Novel Exploration · @novelx456
128 followers · 533 posts · Server


: 18th July

I wasn't sure how to answer this until I saw your answer

It is the characters, but not always how you expect

My (aka ) was intended to be about the archaeology on a student summer dig in the Cotswolds but Elyssia Gadnall, who lived nearby, kept butting in

My current wip(s) - & ( & ) - is(are) about her

: Tom & Theresa
: Dr Andrew Bridges

#writingwonders #novelx1 #eg1 #novelx4 #novelx5 #eg2 #eg3 #novelx2 #novelx3 #amwriting #characters #muse #writingcommunity

Last updated 1 year ago

Novel Exploration · @novelx456
118 followers · 465 posts · Server

Lying awake at night thinking about the WiP. Decided I need structure

had a structure.
6 week archaeological dig x 7 days. 6x7 = 42 chapters gave a framework to write into

: 10 years divided into 3 sections x 4 parts x 5 = 60 ch. It was a bit artificial but it worked fine

was more diffuse and more difficult to write, with no obvious end point

My new scheme for the wip:
6 yrs x 4 seasons x 2, 48 ch

Hmm. We'll see

#wipwednesday #novelx1 #novelx2 #novelx3 #novelx4 #eg2 #writingcommunity

Last updated 1 year ago

Novel Exploration · @novelx456
105 followers · 357 posts · Server

9. Do natural calamities play a role in your story?

<struggling to think>

, at the beginning, there's a deluge of rain that floods the archaeology dig

, there's a storm in which a sailing boat carrying one of the main characters (MC1) is wrecked on a beach in Sussex near to where MC2 lives. (Thereby hangs a tale!)

, there's a lot of snow at one point making life difficult

, nothing yet as far as I can remember...

#writingwonders #novelx1 #novelx2 #novelx3 #novelx4 #amwritingfiction #weather

Last updated 1 year ago

Novel Exploration · @novelx456
8 followers · 74 posts · Server

Day 19: what does your MC hide from others?

That would be a spoiler, wouldn't it

Let's just say, in the WiP, EG is pregnant and although she might like to hide that, there will come time when it won't be hid ...

As for JJ, I don't think he's deliberately hiding anything from anyone (apart from himself, perhaps) but he doesn't let much out. He keeps his own counsel

#writingwonders #eg2 #novelx3

Last updated 1 year ago