#WritingWonders: 18th July
I wasn't sure how to answer this until I saw your answer
It is the characters, but not always how you expect
My #novelx1 (aka #EG1) was intended to be about the archaeology on a student summer dig in the Cotswolds but Elyssia Gadnall, who lived nearby, kept butting in
My current wip(s) - #novelx4 & #novelx5 (#EG2 & #EG3) - is(are) about her
#writingwonders #novelx1 #eg1 #novelx4 #novelx5 #eg2 #eg3 #novelx2 #novelx3 #amwriting #characters #muse #writingcommunity
1000+ words written today and another 3 pages added to the wip. This chapter is growing apace
It's a good feeling after several weeks in the doldrums and something of a major rethink
#eg3 #novelx5 #amwritingfiction #writingcommunity
#PennedPossibilities 10
MC POV: When was the last time you felt needed?
Elyssia: Either, last night (Joshua) or, more generally, about two years ago when I had a vac job at The Manor Care Home. Since then, not so much
#EG2 #novelx4
#EG3 #novelx5
#pennedpossibilities #eg2 #novelx4 #eg3 #novelx5 #amwritingfiction #writingcommunity
#WritingWonders 15 July:
Are there any kissing or intimacy scenes in your story?
#EG2 #novelx4
#EG3 #novelx5
#writingwonders #eg2 #novelx4 #eg3 #novelx5 #amwritingfiction #writingcommunity