The #Novote crew #auspol #BetootaAdvocate
#novote #auspol #BetootaAdvocate
I was the sole no vote on the proposed defense bill
Though it meant I might face some political ill
But I had to stand for what's right with resolve
For spending more money on war I wouldn't involve
It was the best vote I made, I'm proud to avow
#reprokhanna #defensebill #militaryspending #novote #poetry
#reprokhanna #defensebill #militaryspending #novote #poetry
#MattGolding #Cartoon
@goldingcartoons I call on #PeterDutton to abandon his push for a #Novote if he isn’t confident the #referendum will fail.
John Pinniger, Fairfield @theage letters #alttext
#alttext #referendum #novote #peterdutton #cartoon #mattgolding
Oggi parliamo un po' di Reddit. Quali applicazione per utilizzarlo? E quali alternative a Reddit ci sono? In più vi regaliamo, come al solito, qualche chicca come l'estensione NoVote ❤
#alternative #reddit #novote --> LINK -->
more #a2FixIt drama: a response to my issue got rejected by the SeeClickFix mods.
User was "FixTheDamnRoads" ... she/he has not reported any issues of their own, no surprise. #NoVote