Well this design didn't age well. The slogan here couldn't be further from reality anymore. 😥 #novouchers #NoVouchersIA
RT @KevinMasonCity@twitter.com
So…like…what should we put on the Iowa quarter now?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KevinMasonCity/status/1617866341343719425
RT @KarenNicholsIA@twitter.com
.@IAGovernor@twitter.com Private schools can’t absorb all half million of Iowa’s public school students. What about the kids that private schools reject, who are left behind in defunded public schools? That’s not equity. #novouchers #ialegis
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KarenNicholsIA/status/1617554812299771904
As usual, @RAYGUNshirts@twitter.com nails it. At least we'll still have 24 million pigs. 🤬 #NoVouchers #PublicMoneyForPublicSchools #ThisIsIowa
#novouchers #publicmoneyforpublicschools #thisisiowa
Think about all of that equity… that can be put into rich people’s pockets… 😇
RT @RayBake
RT @samiandzoe@twitter.com
I appreciate that the third graphic includes a grammatical error—should be its, not it’s.
May as well show Iowans what kind of education they’re going to get at low-quality private schools with vouchers. #novouchers https://twitter.com/iagovernor/status/1613235000924594182
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/samiandzoe/status/1613301468869853190
RT @RandyOnEd@twitter.com
Reynolds proposes 2.5% increase in funding for public schools. In real dollars that's actually less than the cost of her voucher plan.#novouchers
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RandyOnEd/status/1613008059953025029
RT @RandyOnEd@twitter.com
Gov Reynolds voucher plan will cost $106.9 million in year one. That would be enough to give every public school teacher in IA a $2800 raise. #novouchers
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RandyOnEd/status/1613006680605728768