I have a #Concern about: #StarTrek...
#PracticallyNoOne #WritesAnythingDown...
There is a #Risk that we will #Lose our #Penmanship / #Calligraphy... #Discuss
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🪐🦹🚀🦄🚀🦹🪐
#now #concern #startrek #practicallynoone #writesanythingdown #risk #lose #penmanship #calligraphy #discuss
#OkieDokies; when do we all get #Fitted with an "H" on our #Foreheads...
#IT's #VeryHologram | #OnBrand #BrandCompliance...
#Now... Let me just jot this down before my #SpacePencil flies off into a #BlackHole... (#Again)...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🪐🦹🚀🦄🚀🦹🪐
#okiedokies #fitted #foreheads #it #veryhologram #onbrand #brandcompliance #now #spacepencil #blackhole #again
#IF you #JustCantFace: #AnotherSalad; #AlwaysConsider...
#IT's all in #TheLayering...
#FirstLayer: #ToastedBread;
#SecondLayer: #Butter;
#ThirdLayer: #NiceCheese (Not #HorribleCheese; #HorribleCheese is #Horrible. I don't even know why #People make #HorribleCheese, #IT's #Horrible)... #IDigress...
#FourthLayer: #BakedBeans with #NiceCheeseyCubes #SprinkledLiberally;
#FifthLayer: #CourseGround #BlackPepper to #Taste
#now #partone #two #if #justcantface #anothersalad #alwaysconsider #beansontoast #it #thelayering #firstlayer #toastedbread #secondlayer #butter #thirdlayer #nicecheese #horriblecheese #horrible #people #idigress #fourthlayer #bakedbeans #nicecheeseycubes #sprinkledliberally #fifthlayer #courseground #blackpepper #taste #thisistheway
You can now see my local time and time zone on the #Now page. I added this clock to refer to it in correspondence with people who are confused about my time, for example, to adjust appointments.
Midnight Oil - We Resist (Official Video)
#MidnightOil #WeResist #unite #stand #now #SaveEarth
only if we resist…
#midnightoil #weresist #unite #stand #now #saveearth
What a dirtbag Elon Musk is. Time to evict him from our Country. Let him move to Crimea, but get the fuck out of our Country. #NOW
#NOW a #settembre inserisce la #pubblicità nel piano base. Per non vedere la pubblicità occorre abbonarsi al piano #Premium con 5€ al mese in più.
Il piano base però costerà un euro in meno.
Se sei già abbonato a Now per il momento non pagherai Premium.
#now #settembre #pubblicita #premium
Per non perderti nessun evento sportivo devi imparare la numerazione dei canali #Sport di #Sky, che sono stati aggiornati con nuovi #canali.
Dal 200 al 209 trovi lo sport di Sky in dieci canali, che saranno visibili in streaming anche su #Now e #SkyGo.
#sport #sky #Canali #now #skygo
#Hure ❤ Schwerin Anni Now Top Massage - Ladies DE - #Ladies_DE https://m.ladies.de/sex-anzeigen/huren-hostessen/schwerin-anni-now-top-massage-11699950 - Neue #Huren #Hostessen #Schwerin #Anni #Now #Top #Massage - Sexanzeigen auf Ladies.de, Deutschlands grossem #Sex Anzeigen Forum https://kollegin.eu/@Ladies_DE/tagged/Hure
#Hure #ladies_de #huren #hostessen #schwerin #Anni #now #top #massage #sex
I'll make you #eat those #words , #youtube
Last time you also said that, and #now I have a #claim (that still looms over things for the next 67 days)
What is wrong with your system ?
#eat #words #youtube #now #claim #ramblingsalcea
Zrobienie własnej strony /now przyniosło mi więcej frajdy, niż się spodziewałem.
Później muszę tam jeszcze dopisać rzeczy, których chcę się nauczyć oraz te, które zamierzam kupić.
#Now Playing "Auntie Aubrey's Excursions Beyond The Call Of Duty- The Orb Remix Project"
The first collection of Orb remixes of other people's tracks. This is a glorious compilation, and attests to the magical creativity of The Orb in their initial period.
💥New track on 🕹️ JukeBox Electro 2023
#playlist #JukeBox #Electro
💚 "Bitter" by DOT5
Spotify: https://t.co/MZpYOmRisu
AppleMusic: https://t.co/bjjHGfMlfB
YouTube: https://t.co/pXITtHOKcO
#brandnewmusic #electronic #laxxvora #music #playlist #Now… https://t.co/Bbk3qQEj2h https://t.co/aZQoBILOlV
#playlist #jukebox #electro #brandnewmusic #electronic #laxxvora #music #now
#PrarthanaDriveinTheatre #Injambakkam #Chennai
A #citylandmark
#Then and #Now
Sad that an #icon has disappeared
Only #fondmemories remain
I remember watching #Tamilfilm #ManiRatnam's #Bombay here under a light drizzle in 1995
#bombay #ManiRatnam #TamilFilm #FondMemories #icon #now #then #citylandmark #Chennai #Injambakkam #prarthanadriveintheatre
#NotNews24 #UnbreaklingToryCorruptionNotNews... #NotNearlyEffective... #NotEver...
#LeakySue wants #EveryTheft #Investigated...
#Now... #WhereToStart...
"A #Tuesday without #Truth is like a #Tory without #Corruption..."
🧙⚔️ 🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🎠🦹🦄🦹🎠☕
#notnews24 #unbreaklingtorycorruptionnotnews #notnearlyeffective #notever #leakysue #everytheft #investigated #now #wheretostart #tuesday #truth #tory #corruption
We need #trainTraining to build a long term #habit necessary to slash #pollution with climate changing #emissions.
Some people point out that trains still may have dirty emissions.
Here some reasons how going from #Warsaw to #Barcelona and back by train has been meaningful #now:
- 4 weeks of 2 #researchMeetings #benasque and #qtd23 gave me around 25 new contacts and had a lower #networking output per week than interpolating by train between these two destinations which resulted in 25 contacts gained in 2 weeks (#Cracow, #Vienna, #Innsbruck, #Milan, #Lyon, #Lausanne, #Zurrich, #Berlin).
- I was optimising meeting scientists outside of my bubble and find that encounters at thematic conferences tend to be less creative.
- If you fly, you fly in and out. By train you stay longer at a given institute, might travel through a node with a colleague etc. You give yourself a chance to experience more. That is the point of a #researchTravel and is better facilitated by train.
- I recommend to interpolate with up to 6 hour nodes to mitigate delays, departing after the uni visit. This pushed me to find productive stops. I dared to write to intimidatingly strong researchers and it worked.
- I talked to group members I didn't anticipate because I had a rhythm of travel and not just rushing back home. Train stations are centrally located so less hassle getting to the institutes than from airports outside of the city.
- I could double up meetings on the way back that were particularly productive on the way. Neither would happen by plane.
- I had more flexibility than when flying.
- On trains my mind could work, on a plane I waste time.
(1/more): e.g. saying city hopping opens doors😄, #interrail 🤙etc. 🫰
#interrail #researchtravel #berlin #zurrich #lausanne #lyon #milan #innsbruck #vienna #cracow #networking #qtd23 #benasque #researchmeetings #now #barcelona #warsaw #emissions #pollution #habit #traintraining
Today in Labor History August 26, 1970: The Women's Strike for Equality celebrated the 50th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, giving women in the U.S. the right to vote. Sponsored by the National Organization for Women (NOW), the national protest had 3 primary goals: free abortion on demand, equal opportunity in the workforce & free childcare. There were many satirical picket signs like Don't iron while the strike is hot & Hardhats for Soft Broads & We have the right to vote for the man of our choice. In Detroit, women staged a sit-in in a men's restroom protesting unequal facilities for men and women staffers. In Pittsburgh, four women threw eggs at a radio host who dared them to show their liberation.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #feminism #women #WomensRights #abortion #eqaultiy #EqualPay #liberation #childcare #NOW
#workingclass #LaborHistory #feminism #women #womensrights #abortion #eqaultiy #equalpay #liberation #childcare #now
"Transformational #adaptation is particularly important to build resilience and prepare for the potential severe impacts of crossing #tippingpoints.
Given the potential for catastrophic impacts associated with climate system tipping points, missing the #opportunity to implement such strategies could lead to #immeasurable economic and ethical costs in the near-future."
#adaptation #tippingpoints #opportunity #immeasurable #now