It was a full day today, it's time to stop.
One more post before I go: one of the things that kept me through the day was the collaboration between Converge and Chelsea Wolfe: Bloodmoon: I.
So a last song from me (for you): Converge & Chelsea Wolfe: Crimson Stone
It was a full day today, it's time to stop.
One more post before I go: one of the things that kept me through the day was the collaboration between Converge and Chelsea Wolfe: Bloodmoon: I.
So a last song for me (and you): Converge & Chelsea Wolfe: Crimson Stone
I haven't found something I liked on the @releasebot daily lists in quite a while.
Here's today's find, which is less metal and more folk, but it still sounds good: Baldrs Draumar - Njord
#now_playing Rooms And Surfaces I | Album 'ROOMS AND SURFACES' by Jeannine Schulz on #SoundCloud
#now_playing Georgia - Ama Yes Uzume - All Kind Music / PFLP 005 by Palto Flats on #SoundCloud
Sunamu is a Slick ‘Now Playing’ Widget for Your Desktop #apps #electron #eye_candy #now_playing #sunamu
#apps #electron #eye_candy #now_playing #sunamu
Sunamu is a Slick ‘Now Playing’ Widget for Your Desktop #apps #electron #eye_candy #now_playing #sunamu
#apps #electron #eye_candy #now_playing #sunamu
#now_playing 这首歌也是meme!