No Congrats Joe 👎
Vote for the Poll 🗳️
For the shitlibs (VBNMW + Blue MAGA): pick one or the other, you can't have both or neither. 🤖
#NoWarWithRussia #MedicareForAll
Thank you in advance for your vote and retoot. 😺👍
#Communication #TGIF #JukeboxFridayNight #FollowbackFriday #FF #Friday #Poll #Vote #Biden #joebiden #BlueMaga #VBNMW #Trollin #NoWar #M4A #Polls #Showcase
#nowarwithrussia #medicareforall #communication #tgif #jukeboxfridaynight #followbackfriday #ff #friday #poll #vote #biden #joebiden #BlueMAGA #vbnmw #trollin #nowar #m4a #polls #showcase
Dear Penny Wong, your personal knowledge of colonisation should mean you lead Australia away from being neocolonised by the warmongering US & encouraging a Military Industrial complex here. #USBasesOut #NoWar #NoWarWithRussia #auspol
#usbasesout #nowar #nowarwithrussia #auspol
"What's wrong with the world?" I asked a wise man, "Not enough love," he said. #peace #endwar #WorldPeace #nowar
#nowarinukraine #nowarwithrussia
#peace #endwar #worldpeace #nowar #nowarinukraine #nowarwithrussia
Time for a revolution; Rusians ..Time to get Putin out.. #NoWarInUkraine #nowarwithrussia
#nowarwithrussia #NoWarInUkraine
L'#Ucraina non fa parte del trattato nordatlantico (#NATO). Perché dovrebbe essere consentito l'invio di armi da parte dell'#Italia?
#guerraucraina #Guerra #RussiaUkraineWar #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #NoWarWithRussia #NoWarInUkraine
Armi all'Ucraina: l'Italia può fornire materiale bellico a un Paese in guerra? Cosa dice la legge
#nowarinukraine #nowarwithrussia #UkraineRussiaWar #ukraine #RussiaUkraineWar #guerra #guerraucraina #italia #nato #ucraina
Suddenly the corporate media 'cares' about deaths in Ukraine.
Where were they for the past 8 years while neo-Nazis in Ukraine were killing thousands of ethnic Russians?
Don't lie us into another war.
#USOutOfUkraine #NoWarWithRussia
#nowarwithrussia #USOutOfUkraine
With international solidarity!
#NoWarWithRussia #NoWarWithUkraine #SayNoToWar
#nowarwithrussia #NoWarWithUkraine #saynotowar
Le Mouvement québécois pour la Paix tenait aujourd'hui son 1er de 4 piquetages devant le consulat des États-Unis à Montréal. Rendez-vous samedi prochain même heure (14h30) pour dire NON à la guerre contre la Russie et NON aux provocations de l'OTAN et du Canada ! #NoWarWithRussia
Alors oui la #France leur doit sa "libération" des nazis, mais ils ne l'ont fait que parce qu'en matière d'hégémonie, ils ne supportent aucune concurrence.
Ne les suivons pas dans une autre guerre #nowarwithrussia