Mike Pence: why not do the country a solid and tell the truth about the GOP and Trump? After all, you’ll NEVER EVER be president, AND they tried to hang you, bro!
#NoWayPence #MikePence #PenceRehabTour #GOPTraitors #NeverMikePence #PenceHadOneGoodDay
#pencehadonegoodday #nevermikepence #goptraitors #pencerehabtour #mikepence #nowaypence
Mike Pence: why not do the country a solid and tell the truth about the GOP and Trump? After all, you’ll NEVER EVER be president.
#NoWayPence #MikePence #PenceRehabTour #GOPTraitors #NeverMikePence #PenceHadOneGoodDay
#pencehadonegoodday #nevermikepence #goptraitors #pencerehabtour #mikepence #nowaypence
And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for Mike Pence to be elected President of the United States.
#pencehadonegoodday #nowaypence