RT @swissfenian@twitter.com
So Freunde das #NoWEF Winterquartier ruft vom 5.1 bis zum 8.1. Das wunderbare Programm en Detail findet ihr unter:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/swissfenian/status/1610319108507041792
SMASH WEF 15.1.2022 – Gemeinsam gegen Krise, Staat und Kapital - Weiterlesen: https://enough-is-enough14.org/2021/12/26/smash-wef-15-1-2022-gemeinsam-gegen-krise-staat-und-kapital/ #SmashWEF #NoWEF #Zürich #CH #Schweiz #antireport
#antireport #schweiz #ch #zürich #nowef #SmashWEF
#NoWEF #Zurich: Smash #WEF! War starts here - #StrikeWEF #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/01/23/nowef-zurich-smash-wef-war-starts-here/
#antireport #StrikeWEF #wef #zurich #nowef
#NoWEF: SMASH WEF - War begins here! - Revolutionary bloc in #Zurich - #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/01/01/nowef-smash-wef-war-begins-here-revolutionary-bloc-in-zurich/
#NOWEF: Worldwide resistance – United in class struggle - #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2019/12/23/nowef-worldwide-resistance-united-in-class-struggle/
#NOWEF: Weltweiter Widerstand - im Klassenkampf vereint! - #antireport - Weiterlesen: https://enough-is-enough14.org/2019/12/23/nowef-weltweiter-widerstand-im-klassenkampf-vereint/
Enough is Enough: **#NoWEF 2020: World Economic Failure – Uprising against #Davos**
"Switzerland: Motivated by the worldwide mass demonstrations for climate justice, we want to take the momentum next year and carry the protest to Davos, where those responsible for climate change will meet again in January 2020."
#NoWEF 2020: World Economic Failure – Uprising against #Davos - #ClimateChange From #FridaysForFuture to #TuesdayToEndThePast - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2019/05/25/nowef-2020-world-economic-failure-uprising-against-davos/
#ClimateChange #tuesdaytoendthepast #FridaysForFuture #davos #nowef
Resistance to World Economic Forum in #Davos – #NoWEF Demo in #Bern Read here --> https://enoughisenough14.org/2019/01/21/resistance-to-world-economic-forum-in-davos-nowef-demo-in-bern/