After the nominations from 34 people were all in, sponsor Arron put together a playlist.
Because some of us want to keep information in the public sphere, the complete #NowPop40 rundown is on my Tumblr, with links to the Spotify playlists if that's your bag.
And whatever you're doing tonight, have a nice night!
Day 30 (Part 2) - NOW 48
Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz
Day 30 (Part 1) - NOW 47
Babylon - David Gray
This song always reminds me of being in the UK in 2001-02
Borrowing from #Paramore, Olivia delivers a sharp rebuke to her loser ex, and wishes them all the best.
And as we finish #NowPop40, we hope it's been good for you. Sung sincerely, and not as cynically as #OliviaRodrigo does.
#oliviarodrigo #nowpop40 #Paramore
#MileyCyrus has come a long way from her squeaky-clean Disney Channel origins. "Midnight sky" oozes sensuality, dark menace, growing with someone and then apart from them.
Also the one excuse to get Stevie Nicks into #NowPop40.
Treading similar territory as #AlanisMorissette and #Lorde, #AvaMax sings of a relationship with someone who's ummable, but carries a lot of emotional baggage. Will the singer's character be ruled by their head, or their urges?
"Sweet but psycho" was an early ultra-long-runner, 15 weeks at Vlaamse nummer één. Songs remain popular forever in the streaming error.
#nowpop40 #avamax #lorde #AlanisMorissette
Day 29 - NOW 46
Oops! ... I Did It Again - Britney Spears
The time I wore a red spandex body suit and a blonde wig to a fancy dress party still gets talked about to this day as one of the great fancy dress success stories.
The #DuaLipa hit factory has been operating at full pelt for almost a full decade.
"IDGAF" is my pick for #NowPop40; in part because one of my outright faves, also because it's the standout song in a very varied year.
Dua leads her army into battle against a useless ex, perhaps against her own feelings for useless ex. Sharp and punchy and strident: makes its point, leaves, done.
Day 28 - NOW 44
Baby One More Time - Britney Spears
Only the best pop song of all time!
The #Haim sisters wrote a pleasant jazz groove, musing about how to be a support to troubled friends. Our heroes stroll around Los Angeles in the video.
Any resemblance to "Walk on the wild side" is coincidental, Lou Reed's estate gets some of the royalty.
More like this next month: it's the vibe I'm targetting for #Popiversary2, after #NowPop40 ends.
The greatest show tune of the last decade - perhaps of the whole #NowPop40 era - came from #Frozen
#IdinaMenzel has been in all the cool theatre shows - Rent, Wicked, Chess - and has some pop albums under her belt.
"Let it go" was originally plotted as "Elsa's badass song", and draws from emotions as dispirate as Carole King and Avril Lavigne.
#IdinaMenzel #frozen #nowpop40
Day 27 (Part 2) - NOW 43
Bring It On - Gomez
Unlike most music challenges, which are full of acts I have seen live before. This is only the 3rd band I have seen before, along with Faith No More and The Chemical Brothers.
Day 27 (Part 1) - NOW 42
Flat Beat - Mister Oizo
Flat Eric is the hero we need most from the 90s.
The greatest pop star of the current generation, #TaylorSwift broke through with 2012's "Red" album.
By being a huge global megastar, she doesn't really need to feature on Now! compilations, so my #NowPop40 choice is limited.
This song? Perhaps the thrill's been dulled by ten years on constant repeat, and Max Martin's never improved his songwriting. Taylor's Version encourages us to listen again.
Day 26 - NOW 41
My Favourite Game - The Cardigans
My fourth double came as a bit of a surprise to me. My next, and final one, is a lot more predictable.
The breakthrough single for Lisa and Jess was a thumping, pumping electro-disco song with more than a bit of punk sass.
#TheVeronicas rode the coat-tails of Avril Lavigne and Pink into the top ten, stayed there because the song is better than we dared expect.
(PS: don't bother with that Billy Corgan, he will leave a trail of broken hearts.)
The #NowPop40 interval act continues with #Mika, "Grace Kelly" was one of the songs he performed in Turin 2022.
Originally a hit in 2007, it's a song about fitting in, being true to yourself, and as utterly fabulous as the original actor-turned-royal. Still sounds fresh all these years later.
It's #NowPop40 interval act time! #JustinTimberlake stole the show in Stockholm with the song of summer 2016.
"Can't stop the feeling" is joyful, inclusive, a complete earworm, a song I don't tire of hearing.
Day 24 (Part 2) - NOW 39
Torn - Natalie Imbruglia
The second and final Australian act I'm including in this challenge.