Fi · @FiStitchWitch
274 followers · 2346 posts · Server

My son does school online since mainstream education doesn't suit him.

Its his first day back today, just started his first class.

I adore this teacher, she shares so much and they are talking about exams and this is a campaign in that started to show young people that there are so many other options if the exam results aren't what was needed. The teacher also always shares support resources for young people.

Its a joy to listen to the lesson!

#Autism #Education #scotland #nowrongpath

Last updated 1 year ago

Que · @BabblingGeek
203 followers · 705 posts · Server

@coleens_ management training is never a bad decision. You are always going to have to deal with people and managers. Being fluent in those skills will always have value. The only issue is if you study enough of it you might accidentally end up IN management.


Last updated 2 years ago

Jessica Wagener · @pseudonymphe
478 followers · 157 posts · Server

PS: if there are any
University of Glasgow access students out there anxiously wondering what uni looks like in arts/ humanities – I've prepared something for you:

#MatureStudent #nowrongpath #glasgowuni

Last updated 2 years ago

Jessica Wagener · @pseudonymphe
886 followers · 452 posts · Server

PS: if there are any University of Glasgow access students out there anxiously wondering what uni looks like in arts/ humanities – I've prepared something for you:

#MatureStudent #nowrongpath #glasgowuni

Last updated 2 years ago