#Perl @PerlWChallenge 234 Common Characters and Unequal Triplets https://wlmb.github.io/2023/09/11/PWC234/
#Perl @PerlWChallenge 229 Lexicographic Order and Two out of Three https://wlmb.github.io/2023/08/06/PWC229/
#Perl @PerlWChallenge 228 Unique Sum and Empty Array https://wlmb.github.io/2023/07/31/PWC228/
@Perl #Perl @PerlWChallenge 227 Friday 13th and Roman Maths
@Perl #Perl @PerlWChallenge 227 Task 2: Roman Maths
perl -MPOSIX=floor -MText::Roman=:all -E '
%o=map{$_=>eval "sub(\$x,\$y){\$x$_\$y}"} qw(+ - * / ** %); say "$_ ->", r($_) for(@ARGV);
sub r($e){($x,$o,$y)=split " ", $e; $r=$o{$o}->(map {roman2int($_)}($x,$y));
return $r==0?"nulla":($r>3999||$r<0||$r!=floor $r)?"non potest":int2roman($r)}
' "IV + V" "M - I" "X / II" "XI * VI" "VII ** III" "V - V" "V / II" "MMM + M" "V - X" "XXV % IV"
@Perl #Perl @PerlWChallenge 227 Task 1: Friday 13th
perl -MPDL -E '
for(@ARGV){$y=$_%400; $l=(floor(($y+3)/4)-floor(($y+3)/100));
$s=($y+$l)%7; $t=(!$y||($y%100 &&!!($y%4)))?1:0; $b=($d->slice("",[$t,0,0])+$s)%7;
say "$_->", ($b==1)->sumover}
' 2023 2000 1999
#Perl @PerlWChallenge 226 Shuffle String and Zero Array https://wlmb.github.io/2023/07/16/PWC226/
#Perl @PerlWChallenge 225 Max Words and Left Right Sum Diff https://wlmb.github.io/2023/07/09/PWC225/