Still plugging away at #npc23, my #dungeon23 challenge where I create one npc for Urban Shadows every day.
I'm up to 27 factions with a total of 142 characters, and I still have a few ideas.
I'm not sure if I'll keep going past the six months mark, but if I make it that far that's good enough.
I'm doing #dungeon23 as #npc23, where I create one Urban Shadows npc per day.
Progress is still steady, though I've had a couple of times where I've missed a few days.
My general process is that I start out with a faction I want to fill with characters. Then I either pick a role or function within that faction and go looking for pictures, or I start with the picture. Then I write a couple of sentences that sum them up, and that's it. These are sketches intended as inspiration, not full npcs.
Coming up in an hour at virtual #NPC23: “Imagining Equitable Commuter Rail,” We’ll talk about how we created a new vision for a century-old commuter rail system by framing a conversation not in terms of track and stations but rather on the opportunities new service offers riders.
I appreciate the shout out from Katelynn Wintz, PP, AICP on community art rocks at the APA National Planning Conference #NPC23.
I’m not in Philly but #EmbeddingPlanning is.
We are a movement.
First session at #NPC23 “Accelerating Zoning Reform”
AARP always on the leading edge on housing reform. Check out their newest release on relegalizing missing middle housing.
Also, APA president Angela Brooks, FAICP, is 💯 correct on an overlooked problem, the lack of developer construction capacity. Why can’t they build enough?
I'm still doing #dungeon23 as #npc23, where I create a new #UrbanShadows npc each day.
Will I keep going the whole year? I don't know, but I have enough ideas to keep it up for another month at least.
The latest additions include Lord Augustus, a powerful and paranoid wizard; the Churchtown Irregulars, a rough and rowdy group of amateur hunters; and the Men In Black, an independent group posing as a government agency.
Follow my progress here:
#dungeon23 #npc23 #UrbanShadows
For #dungeon23 I'm doing #npc23, where I create an Urban Shadows npc each day.
You can follow my progress here:
End of February spotlight: The Exiles.
The Exiles is a network of demons with various reasons to want to stay out of Hell. Their informal leader is Rusty Nails Through Flesh, who runs the Seventh Gate bar.
Other members include Glomph the Invincible, bodyguard for hire; the party boy Ricky; and the Parliament, a group of imps experimenting with democracy.
#dungeon23 Mid-month checkin!
I'm doing #npc23, creating an Urban Shadows npc per day.
Here are my current Power factions:
The Revelry: Party wizards experimenting with time, space, and hallucinogens.
The Children of Urania: A- or immoral scientists backed up by clones and reanimated corpses.
The Department of Ahistory: Academic oracles guiding students according to a grand plan.
The Pine Street Book Club: A study group of amateur wizards.
The Thirteen: A network of magicians for hire.
For #dungeon23 I'm doing #npc23, where I create one NPC for Urban Shadows every day.
A couple of days I've forgotten to do it and caught up the day after, and some are characters I've created previously for the two four-session Urban Shadows games I ran in October and November of last year.
These are very short descriptions, with a picture and a couple of sentences. Still, I find it's usually enough.
If you want to follow along they're all here:
Simon i round. His glasses are round, his face is round and the beard framing it makes it even more round.
Wrapped in a denim jacket over an embroidered shirt. Baggy pants with four bags of herbs hanging from his cloth belt completes the look. Like he walked of a commune.
His fingers betray him. Simon hasn’t worked with them a day in his life. Too busy finding balance.
Which is why he is round.
#collectingpeople #ttrpg #npc #microfiction #npc23
Simon i round. His glasses are round, his face is round and the beard framing it makes it even more round.
Wrapped in a denim jacket over an embroidered shirt. Baggy pants with four bags of herbs hanging from his cloth belt completes the look. Like he walked of a commune.
His fingers betray him. Simon hasn’t worked with them a day in his life. Too busy finding balance.
Which is why he is round.
#collectingpeople #ttrpg #npc #microfiction #npc23
Op weg naar de 6e Nationale Privacy Conferentie, georganiseerd door o.a. @privacyfirst en Platform_ECP
Je kunt zelf hier live meekijken: en ik doe via M. en T. verslag van de talks waar ik bij ben. Nu nog de vraag: wat is de hashtag? #privacy #NPC23 (en of de handle van Privacy First inderdaad die van Privacy First is, Platform voor de Informatiesamenleving ECP lijkt geen Mastodon te hebben)
Zo naar de Nationale Privacy Conferentie. Met een 'cadeautje' van het Ministerie van Financiën: transacties monitoren vanaf 100 euro... Reden: omdat er 'toch al gemonitord wordt vanaf 0 euro door de banken'. Het enige verschil zou zijn dat de transacties niet door banken alleen maar alle samen aan de gang gaan. Vanaf 6:30. #privacy #ecp #npc23
Wollen auch Sie alle Hintergründe zu ihrem #NSC Favoriten der Kalenderwoche 2 nachlesen? Topaktuell informiert bleiben? Ja?
Dann erfahren Sie hier (mit nur zwei bis drei Tagen Verspätung...) ALLES!
Klicken Sie diesen total tollen Link:
Werbung? Hab ich voll drauf! 😎
#NSC #dungeon23 #npc #nsc23 #npc23
Ich habe den Eindruck, dass meine #NPC23 meinen #Spielleitung|sstil nicht vollumfänglich abdecken. Sie sind alle irgendwie nett... oder zumindest neutral.
Ich warne also schonmal vor: Die kommenden 3~4 Personen werden saftmadige Arschgeigen. Irgendwer muss ja bei den Charakteren auch den Wunsch wecken sie zu verkloppen. (Und sich dadurch ggf. in Schwierigkeiten zu bringen...) :D
#npc23 #spielleitung #pnpde #NSC #npc
Katja used to be fit. Toned with just enough muscle to make guys slightly uncomfortable. It never bothered her. The way they looked at her.
Now they don’t. An unholy mix of speed, cocaine, molly and ketamine has eroded her chiselled frame. Her hair matted, greasy and unkempt. Voice hoarse from cigarettes. She’ll drink alone. Toasting the reflection in her drink.
She likes the anonymity of their pity.
Yet misses their insecurity.
#collectingpeople #ttrpg #npc23 #microfiction
Katja used to be fit. Toned with just enough muscle to make guys slightly uncomfortable. It never bothered her. The way they looked at her.
Now they don’t. An unholy mix of speed, cocaine, molly and ketamine has eroded her chiselled frame. Her hair matted, greasy and unkempt. Voice hoarse from cigarettes. She’ll drink alone. Toasting the reflection in her drink.
She likes the anonymity of their pity.
Yet misses their insecurity.
#collectingpeople #ttrpg #npc23 #microfiction
Kim is big. A head higher than most men, and built like barrel. It isn’t just the amount space he takes. His head, his hands and hair. It is all big.
Except his eyes. Two small brown specks high up in his face. Looking down on a world that he isn’t built for. Kim knows he is to big for most people. He’ll try to put people at ease. He really wants to.
He is just too big.
They will smile and nod, then drift away.
#ttrpg #collectingpeople #npc23 #microfiction