Mutual aid is infinitely more ethical and pragmatic than the Non Profit Industrial Complex.
#NPIC #MutualAid #OpportunityForPraxis
#opportunityforpraxis #MutualAid #npic
Lets try that again since I messed up, lol, go me! Yay us, for the month of February for the #NPIC contract which is for passports we broke 600000 calls and the call center day isn't over yet.
Yay, go us! For the #NPIC contract we just broke 600000 calls and the call center day isn't over yet!
making a list of the tradeoffs of leaving the's been over 25 years in and maybe it's time.
"1- Abolitionist practice must support proletarian self-activity and foster the conditions for escalation and open revolt against the state and capital--and this happens on multiple scales
2- NPIC ‘movement organizations’ are structurally incapable of doing this, and indeed are compelled to act against self-activity by quelling or redirecting potentially conflictual energies
3- They achieve this in part by claiming to represent a whole ‘community’ or ‘identity,’ delegitimizing those who take approaches not compatible with theirs."
// "Shattering Abolition™: Against Reformist Counterinsurgency in the Streets of Oakland", by some abolitionists (
#abolition #anarchy #reportback #NPIC
#abolition #anarchy #reportback #npic
"1- Abolitionist practice must support proletarian self-activity and foster the conditions for escalation and open revolt against the state and capital--and this happens on multiple scales
2- NPIC ‘movement organizations’ are structurally incapable of doing this, and indeed are compelled to act against self-activity by quelling or redirecting potentially conflictual energies
3- They achieve this in part by
claiming to represent a whole ‘community’ or ‘identity,’ delegitimizing those who take approaches not compatible with theirs."
// "Shattering Abolition™: Against Reformist Counterinsurgency in the Streets of Oakland", by some abolitionists (
#abolition #anarchy #reportback #NPIC
#abolition #anarchy #reportback #npic
"1- Abolitionist practice must support proletarian self-activity and foster the conditions for
escalation and open revolt against the state and capital--and this happens on multiple scales
2- NPIC ‘movement organizations’ are structurally incapable of doing this, and indeed are compelled to act against self-activity by quelling or redirecting potentially conflictual energies
3- They achieve this in part by
claiming to represent a whole ‘community’ or ‘identity,’ delegitimizing those who take approaches not compatible with theirs."
// "Shattering Abolition™: Against Reformist Counterinsurgency in the Streets of Oakland", by some abolitionists (
#abolition #anarchy #reportback #NPIC
#abolition #anarchy #reportback #npic
I’m just boosting my own #bookstodon post to say that in the section of Non Profits and NGOs Sara Jaffe brings all the receipts 🧾 #npic #ngos #listentothis #readthis
#bookstodon #npic #ngos #listentothis #readthis
In my 20+ years w/in the #NPIC, I've seen many nonprofits lose their best people not so much out of a lack of funding but more due to a lack of good management.
If your important donors and or board are predominately white, using a material analysis, are you really BIPOC led? #npic
There are a lot of new NGOs/ONGs (aka "nonprofits" in u.s. english) on fedi. Probably a good time to review how these organizations contain & destroy radical social movements, because there's no reason to believe they won't do the same thing here.
2[-ish] sentence summary: NGOs are funded by rich people & governments to accomplish their long-term goals more flexibly than state agencies or for-profit companies. In the critical u.s. scholarship we're most familiar with, this is known as the "nonprofit industrial complex", or #NPIC; globally it goes by #ONGisation or #NGOization.
Many NGOs—universities, professional associations, institutes, etc.—have been setting up accounts & instances. Don't forget that someone with deep pockets is paying for it in most cases; don't be afraid to ask why.
For deeper dives into all this, check out:
"The NGO-ization of resistance"
The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex
2 posts we wrote lol
"When we are motivated by fear of loss and act from a individual-centric lens, we try to control against death by eliminating things we deem to be a threat to our comfort. We kill or restrain things preemptively because they might be a threat, being unaware that those things deemed a threat are interwoven with us, our fates inseparable. Often, though, we lose in the long run because those things were not threats at all - they were only short-term annoyances. This mindset is a projection of one's shadow self, our places of deep shame, the parts of ourselves that we know cause harm to others, onto the world."
The 2nd installment of my Capitalism through thr Tarot Pentacles (cards 4-6) is here, touching upon scarcity mindset, loss of commons, capitalist spectacle, the non-profit industrial complex, and more:
I previously posted Part 1 (cards 1-3) but put thw wrong link (yay adhd) so if ya wanna read that too:
Thanks for checking out my stuff!!
#tarot #capitalism #scarcitymindset #spectacle #capitalistrealism #npic #commons #enclosure #nonprofitindustrialcomplex #pentacles #anticapitalist #abolition
#tarot #capitalism #scarcityMindset #spectacle #capitalistrealism #npic #commons #enclosure #nonprofitindustrialcomplex #pentacles #anticapitalist #Abolition
Prepare yourself for the onslaught of fundraising emails from nonprofits not actually working on the issue. #npic
Entè/OPD: Kalfou Pwojè by Janil Lwijis; Janil Louis-Juste; Jean Anil Louis-Juste
#EntèOPD, #InterOPD, #RegroupementdesOrganisationsdePromotionduDevelopment, #RegroupementInterOPD, #lONGisation, #ONG, #CharitéÒganizasyon, #òganizasyonkipagouvèlman, #NPIC, #òganizasyonkipatagouvènman, #politik, #Ayiti, #HaitianCreole, #KreyòlAyisyen, #kreyòl, #devlopman
I. Koze Devan Pòt
II. Pwojè Devlopman an Ayiti
III. PEPPADEP AK ODVA: 2 Temwen nan Politik devlopman piblik an Ayiti
IV. Chapant Agrè ak Espas Sosyal nan milye riral ayisyen
V. Pratik Pwojè Devlopman prive yo nan milye riral la
VI. Entè/OPD: Kalfou pwojè!
VII. Devan baryè Kalfou!
VIII. Kèk Degi
#EntèOPD #InterOPD #RegroupementdesOrganisationsdePromotionduDevelopment #RegroupementInterOPD #lONGisation #ong #CharitéÒganizasyon #òganizasyonkipagouvèlman #npic #òganizasyonkipatagouvènman #politik #Ayiti #HaitianCreole #KreyòlAyisyen #kreyòl #devlopman
ONG: Ki gouvènman ou ye? by Janil Lwijis; Jn Anil Louis-Juste; Jean Anil Louis-Juste
#lONGisation, #ONG, #CharitéÒganizasyon, #òganizasyonkipagouvèlman, #NPIC, #òganizasyonkipatagouvènman, #politik, #Ayiti, #HaitianCreole, #KreyòlAyisyen, #kreyòl
Asosyasyon Inivèsitè ak Inivèsitèz Desalinyèn (ASID)
Kaye Pwogresis 2
#lONGisation #ong #CharitéÒganizasyon #òganizasyonkipagouvèlman #npic #òganizasyonkipatagouvènman #politik #Ayiti #HaitianCreole #KreyòlAyisyen #kreyòl
Riseup Networks / Riseup Labs financial backers
#riseup, #TheRiseupCollective, #riseupnet, #RiseupNetworks, #RiseupLabs, #TidesFoundation, #Liberate, #riseuplabsorg, #taxfilings, #corporatefilings, #NPIC, #nonprofitindustrialcomplex, #governmentcontractor, #counterinsurgency, #controlledopposition, #DigitalDefendersPartnership, #Hivos, #unitedstatesofamerika, #netherlands, #estonia, #unitedkingdom, #sweden, #latvia, #czechrepublic, #statedepartment, #departmentofstate, #dutchministryofforeignaffairs, #foreigncommonwealthoffice, #republicofestonia, #republicoflatvia, #Sida, #SwedishInternationalDevelopmentCooperationAgency, #RIPENCC, #stateofwashington, #universityofwashington, #washingtonstate, #RIPENetworkCoordinationCentre, #cooptation
this item includes IRS Forms 990 for the following organizations:
Riseup Networks (2005-2018)
Riseup Labs (2008-2018)
Tides Foundation (2016), which funded Riseup Labs that year.
there are also state of washington Corporations & Charities Division filings for the following legal entities:
Riseup Networks / (FEIN 200394008), 2009-2021
Liberate / / Riseup Labs (FEIN 204204809), 2009-2021
#riseup #TheRiseupCollective #riseupnet #RiseupNetworks #RiseupLabs #TidesFoundation #Liberate #riseuplabsorg #taxfilings #corporatefilings #npic #nonprofitindustrialcomplex #governmentcontractor #counterinsurgency #controlledopposition #DigitalDefendersPartnership #Hivos #unitedstatesofamerika #netherlands #estonia #unitedkingdom #sweden #latvia #czechrepublic #statedepartment #DepartmentofState #dutchministryofforeignaffairs #foreigncommonwealthoffice #republicofestonia #republicoflatvia #sida #SwedishInternationalDevelopmentCooperationAgency #ripencc #stateofwashington #universityofwashington #washingtonstate #RIPENetworkCoordinationCentre #cooptation
Just as "domestic" nonprofits in the u.s. exist to destroy the "domestic" Black liberation movement, NGOs/ONGs worldwide exist to destroy global Black liberation & other militant revolutionary movements
#npic #ngo #ong #NGOisation #ONGisation #neocolonialism
Alliance for Global Justice IRS Forms 990
#neocolonialism, #unitedstatesofamerika, #nonprofitindustrialcomplex, #NPIC, #imperialism, #capitalism, #philanthropy, #staterepression, #501c3, #AllianceforGlobalJustice, #AFGJ, #foundations, #liberaldemocracy, #bougeoisie, #liberalism, #progressivism, #controlledopposition, #counterrevolution, #counterinsurgency
this item includes IRS Forms 990 for the Alliance for Global Justice (AFGJ) is an organizing group that serves as a fiscal sponsor to numerous liberal-progressive initiatives.
#neocolonialism #unitedstatesofamerika #nonprofitindustrialcomplex #npic #imperialism #capitalism #philanthropy #staterepression #501c3 #AllianceforGlobalJustice #AFGJ #foundations #liberaldemocracy #bougeoisie #liberalism #progressivism #controlledopposition #counterrevolution #counterinsurgency
Directory of Ford Foundation Fellows, 1980-2020 by National Academy of Sciences
#FordFellows, #FordFoundationFellows, #FordFoundation, #unitedstatesofamerika, #nonprofitindustrialcomplex, #NPIC, #imperialism, #capitalism, #philanthropy, #staterepression, #501c3, #academia, #foundations, #liberaldemocracy
data obtained from here 6 july 2020.
"The Directory of Ford Fellows contains information on Ford Foundation Fellows who held awards administered by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine including postdoctoral fellowship recipients awarded since 1980 and predoctoral and dissertation fellowship recipients awarded since 1986. […]
Information contained in the directory is entered initially at the time of fellowship award and is subsequently updated by Ford Fellows. […]
This database does not include Ford Fellows whose fellowships were administered by an institution or agency other than the Fellowships Office of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine nor does it include deceased Ford Fellows."
#FordFellows #FordFoundationFellows #fordfoundation #unitedstatesofamerika #nonprofitindustrialcomplex #npic #imperialism #capitalism #philanthropy #staterepression #501c3 #academia #foundations #liberaldemocracy
Black Youth Project / BYP100 financial backers
Topics #BlackYouthProject, #BYP100, #neocolonialism, #unitedstatesofamerika, #nonprofitindustrialcomplex, #NPIC, #imperialism, #capitalism, #philanthropy, #staterepression, #501c3, #BlackLivesMatter, #foundations, #liberaldemocracy, #bougeoisie, #liberalism, #progressivism, #BlackYouthProject100NFP, #BYP100EducationFund, #WomenDonorsNetwork, #AstraeaFoundation, #AstraeaLesbianFoundationForJustice, #RudolfSteinerFoundation, #MacArthurFoundation, #MsFoundationforWomen, #ChicagoFoundationforWomen, #QuixoteFoundation, #BorealisPhilanthropy, #AmericanFederationofLaborandCongressofIndustrialOrganizations, #AFLCIO, #BenjaminFund, #controlledopposition, #counterrevolution, #counterinsurgency
#BlackYouthProject #BYP100 #neocolonialism #unitedstatesofamerika #nonprofitindustrialcomplex #npic #imperialism #capitalism #philanthropy #staterepression #501c3 #blacklivesmatter #foundations #liberaldemocracy #bougeoisie #liberalism #progressivism #BlackYouthProject100NFP #BYP100EducationFund #WomenDonorsNetwork #AstraeaFoundation #AstraeaLesbianFoundationForJustice #RudolfSteinerFoundation #MacArthurFoundation #MsFoundationforWomen #ChicagoFoundationforWomen #QuixoteFoundation #BorealisPhilanthropy #AmericanFederationofLaborandCongressofIndustrialOrganizations #aflcio #BenjaminFund #controlledopposition #counterrevolution #counterinsurgency