Radiotherapy breakthroughs at UK lab could transform cancer treatment worldwide, say scientists | The Independent
#radiotherapy #cancer #nationalphysicallaboratory #npl #protonbeamtherapy #primarystandardprotoncalorimeter #pspc #flashrt #ultrahighdoserate #uhdr #theflasheffect
ainda as repostas:
a. final do ano se a deusa quiser pelamordedeus estou com saudades.
b. faria os três de uma vez só depois daria o perdido fingindo que nada aconteceu. risos.
c. no banheiro de uma igreja quando eu era criança, tinha aqueles calendários velhos com passagens da bíblia e um bando de jornal cobrindo o chão, terrível.
EPA proposes new Superfund site in northeastern Oklahoma #Oklahoma #KOSU #GraycenWheeler #EPA #SuperfundSite #NRSC #Fansteel #Muskogee #CherokeeNation #EartheaNance #ArkansasRiver #Uranium #NPL #KevinStitt
#oklahoma #kosu #graycenwheeler #epa #superfundsite #nrsc #fansteel #muskogee #cherokeenation #eartheanance #arkansasriver #uranium #npl #kevinstitt
#EBA #CS #CreditSuisse #SVB #SiliconValleyBank #NPL #NPLs #NonPerformingLoans #Ausfallrisiko #Kreditrisiko #Kreditvergabe #Niedrigzinsen #Finanzsystem #Bankensystem #Kreditwirtschaft #Stabilität #Bankenrettung #Bankenkrise #Steuerzahler #Einlagensicherung
Erstaunlich wenige faule Kredite in Europa (Statista + Kommentar) | Briefing 161 | Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Bankensystem #SVB #CS #CreditSuisse
#eba #cs #creditsuisse #svb #siliconvalleybank #npl #npls #nonperformingloans #ausfallrisiko #kreditrisiko #kreditvergabe #niedrigzinsen #finanzsystem #bankensystem #kreditwirtschaft #stabilitat #bankenrettung #bankenkrise #steuerzahler #einlagensicherung
South Shields FC return to the top of the Northern Premier League after beating Marske Utd 4-2 in a game played in terrible conditions. #nonleaguefootball #nonleague #npl
#nonleaguefootball #nonleague #npl
#Introduction post:
My profession is #TechnicalEditing, my special interest is #HistoricalLinguistics. I deeply love #CompoundMorphology and #ReferenceWorks and I'm always hunting for new #CutthroatCompounds. I sing, I give talks, I do a lot of research.
I am a part of many wonderful organizations including #Wordnik, #OddSalon, #ACES, #DSNA, #ADS, and #NPL.
In 2023, I plan to read a lot of non-fiction books. #AmReading
#introduction #technicalediting #historicallinguistics #compoundmorphology #referenceworks #cutthroatcompounds #wordnik #oddsalon #aces #dsna #ads #npl #amreading
An #intro - we're the admins for
A #xenforo based forum for fans of 1874 Northwich F.C.
We're in the #NPL Div 1 West
500 characters is quite a lot!
#intro #xenforo #npl #nonleague
#ChatGPT is more about bullshitting than creativity, which serves as a neat metaphor for what has happened with our technology sector
#mst #digitaltransformation #npl #ai #chatgpt
🧠💻 #DeepLearning | Analizamos #ChatGPT, lo nuevo de @OpenAI
Este nuevo #chatbot busca revolucionar la interacción humano-máquina. ¿Cómo funciona y qué es capaz de hacer? ➡
✒ Nadal Comparini, Data Engineer en @DamavisStudio
#chatgpt3 #InteligenciaArtificial #IA #AprendizajeProfundo #BigData #NPL #comunicación
#comunicacion #npl #bigdata #aprendizajeprofundo #ia #inteligenciaartificial #chatgpt3 #chatbot #chatgpt #deeplearning
It will not take long before people realize that one may turn twitter and other #SoMe e.g. #mastodon into #RSS feeds, that one can direct said feeds into one's own server for them to be #regexed, #parsed, processed via #NPL and filtered using personalized recommender systems.
That will be the end of the #twitter and #Facebook biz model: one would not use their interfaces to see timelines with their pushed ads and one could filter ads pushed by non corporate, influencer accounts. Take popcorn.
#some #mastodon #rss #regexed #parsed #npl #twitter #facebook
Replace FUN with an eleven-letter word. Replace FINE with a ten-letter word. The words that replace FUN and FINE have the same consonants in the same order. The correct words will make the poem, or "flat," make sense.
Jack and Jill
Went up a hill
And they both had a mighty good time.
But whenever they run
To a landscape less FUN,
It’s just FINE, for there’s nothing to climb.
#puzzles #WordPuzzles #npl #nationalpuzzlersleague #flat
Replace FUN with an eleven-letter word. Replace FINE with a ten-letter word. The words that replace FUN and FINE have the same consonants in the same order. The correct words will make the poem, or "flat," make sense.
Jack and Jill
Went up a hill
And they both had a mighty good
But whenever they run
To a landscape less FUN,
It’s just FINE, for there’s nothing to
#puzzles #WordPuzzles #npl #nationalpuzzlersleague #flat
Replace FEAR with a seven-letter word. Replace FURY with an eight-letter word. The words that replace FEAR and FURY have the same consonants in the same order. The correct words will make the poem, or "flat," make sense.
Hands on hips,
Lemon lips,
Your mouth curled in a moue.
No one here
Will ever FEAR
A FURY such as you.
#puzzles #WordPuzzles #npl #nationalpuzzlersleague #flat
Replace A with a seven-letter word. Remove one letter from A, keeping all the letters in order, to find a six-letter word that can replace B and have the poem, or "flat" make sense.
The profs won’t help me do my work.
TAs object, but I just smirk.
I got two F’s, but don’t blame me—
It’s obvious the A is B!
#puzzles #WordPuzzles #npl #nationalpuzzlersleague #flat
Looking to get some feedback - this is a photo I took at a friend’s concert here in #Vancouver (at the Rickshaw for those who know the area). It’s a film conversion - #KodakPortra800 processed normally in #C41 and then converted normally in #Lightroom with #NPL. After that, I brought it into #Photoshop to play around with #GradientMapping. This is my first time trying it. Does anyone have any tips? Do you like the look? Too much?
#music #gradient #concert #fender #korg #concertphotography #gradientmapping #photoshop #npl #lightroom #c41 #kodakportra800 #vancouver
How does Britain know what #time it is?
#Clock #Clocks #Timekeeping #UK #GreatBritain #NTP #NPL #Caesium #Cesium #Atomic Clock #AtomicClocks
#AtomicClocks #atomic #cesium #caesium #npl #ntp #greatbritain #uk #timekeeping #clocks #clock #time