LSA retractable gear:
"The proposed rule would remove the fixed landing gear limitation as an eligibility requirement in Β§ 22.100. Accordingly, this rule would allow light-sport category aircraft to be designed with fixed OR retractable landing gear, or with floats for aircraft intended for operation on water.β
LSA engines:
"This proposed rule would omit the single reciprocating engine limitation as an eligibility requirement in Β§ 22.100. Accordingly, this proposed rule would allow light-sport category aircraft to be built with any number and type of engines or motors.β
"This proposed rule, in Β§ 22.100, would keep the maximum seating capacity of not more than two persons, including the pilot, for all classes of light-sport aircraft
EXCEPT AIRPLANES. This proposal would allow airplanes to have a maximum seating capacity of not more than four persons, including the pilot.β
Faster speeds:
β...proposed Β§ 22.100(a)(4) would include a Vh limit of 250 knots CAS for light-sport category aircraft to account for
potential advances in technology and manufacturing practices that could enable higher speeds.β
"FAA proposes to expand the kinds of operations
that can be performed by light-sport category aircraft.
Specifically, this proposal would
permit light-sport category aircraft to be used in certain aerial work operations for aircraft that meet the applicable FAA-accepted consensus standard for that operation.β
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FACT SHEET: U.S. Department of Education's Proposed Change to its Title IX Regulations on Students' Eligibility for Athletic Teams
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