The paper "The Event Horizon Telescope Image of the Quasar #NRAO530" - - is now also discussed in the #EHT blog: "Peering into the heart of a distant #quasar with the Event Horizon Telescope",
The paper "The Event Horizon Telescope Image of the Quasar #NRAO530" - - is now also discussed in the #EHT blog: "Peering into the heart of a distant #quasar with the Event Horizon Telescope",
#astronomy #BlackHole #SMBH #quasar #NRAO530 #EHT
An article published in "The Astrophysical Journal" reports the study of the quasar NRAO 530 conducted within the EHT (Event Horizon Telescope) project, which uses a combination of radio telescopes around the world to obtain images of areas around supermassive black holes.
#astronomy #blackhole #SMBH #quasar #nrao530 #eht
Event Horizon Telescope legt beelden vast van quasar NRAO 530
Een groot team van wetenschappers heeft gegevens van het Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)-project gebruikt om beelden van de quasar NRAO 530 te maken. De bevindingen worden in The Astrophysical Journal gepubliceerd.
#zwartgat #nrao530 #eht #quasar #astronomie