#15yrsago #PGP and others team up to renovate #BletchleyPark https://www.zdnet.com/article/bletchley-park-campaign-makes-appeal-to-us/
#15yrsago #GeorgeRRMartin’s “The Armageddon Rag”: Sex, death, blood and rock-n-roll https://www.tor.com/2008/09/08/armageddonrag/
#15yrsago My Mother Wears Combat Boots — kick-ass #punk-#parenting book https://memex.craphound.com/2008/09/08/my-mother-wears-combat-boots-kick-ass-punk-parenting-book/
#10yrsago #NSA secretly broke smartphone security https://www.spiegel.de/international/world/privacy-scandal-nsa-can-spy-on-smart-phone-data-a-920971.html
#10yrsago NSA #leaks as a demographic phenomena https://www.schneier.com/essays/archives/2013/09/the_spooks_need_new.html
#15yrsago #pgp #bletchleypark #georgerrmartin #punk #parenting #10yrsago #nsa #leaks
#Mastodon.cloud won't allow me to use #TorBrowser, because the #NSA and #CIA's bff #Cloudflare told them so.
Cc: @torproject
#mastodon #torbrowser #nsa #cia #cloudflare
Wired: Top US Spies Meet With Privacy Experts Over Surveillance 'Crown Jewel' https://www.wired.com/story/section-702-privacy-meeting/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Security/NationalSecurity #ListeningSessions #Security/Privacy #nationalsecurity #surveillance #Security #FISA #FBI #NSA #CIA
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #security #listeningsessions #nationalsecurity #surveillance #fisa #fbi #nsa #cia
Wired: Top US Spies Meet With Privacy Experts Over Surveillance 'Crown Jewel' https://www.wired.com/story/section-702-privacy-meeting/ #Security/NationalSecurity #ListeningSessions #Security/Privacy #nationalsecurity #surveillance #Security #FISA #FBI #NSA #CIA
#security #listeningsessions #nationalsecurity #surveillance #fisa #fbi #nsa #cia
Avevo visto molti anni fa questo documentario. ora condiviso…
L’impatto del #datagate sulla nostra concezione di privacy è stato enorme, Nel 2013, #EdwardSnowden, divulgò i riservatissimi programmi di sorveglianza globale condotti dall’agenzia statunitense National Security Agency (#NSA).
A dieci anni dalle rivelazioni di Edward Snowden, uno dei più grandi scandali che abbiano mai coinvolto le istituzioni Usa.
Nel nostro canale peertube @sicurezza@peertube.uno c'è l'ottimo documentario "Citizen Four" che ne documenta i fatti:
:peertube: https://peertube.uno/w/kxmhmmqrfbk6DhCRKE7aAp
L’impatto del #datagate sulla nostra concezione di privacy è stato enorme, Nel 2013, #EdwardSnowden, divulgò i riservatissimi programmi di sorveglianza globale condotti dall’agenzia statunitense National Security Agency (#NSA).
#20yrsago #Doonesbury references masturbation, America’s editors surrender https://web.archive.org/web/20030907031050/http://www.salon.com/mwt/feature/2003/09/05/trudeau/index_np.html
#15yrsago Britain spends more on cops, locks up more people than any other developed nation https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2008/sep/07/justice.police
#10yrsago 90 percent of #Tor keys can be broken by #NSA: what does it mean? https://memex.craphound.com/2013/09/07/90-percent-of-tor-keys-can-be-broken-by-nsa-what-does-it-mean/
#10yrsago Lego robot that strips #DRM off #Kindle books https://allthingsd.com/20130906/how-a-man-in-austria-used-legos-to-hack-amazons-kindle-e-book-security/
#5yrsago How to: beat Chinese social media image-filtering https://citizenlab.ca/2018/08/cant-picture-this-an-analysis-of-image-filtering-on-wechat-moments/
#20yrsago #doonesbury #15yrsago #10yrsago #tor #nsa #drm #kindle #5yrsago
Electrospaces.net-On the 10th anniversary of the #Snowden revelations
To mark the 10-year anniv of the start of the Snowden revelations I will look back at some of the most notable disclosures & how they developed, based upon the most recent books & the numerous blog posts I have written here. Still, it should be noted that this overview is not a complete coverage of this wide-ranging topic.
#privacy #surveillance #nsa
#nsa #surveillance #privacy #snowden
La NSA e il Cyber Command studiano il futuro delle IA nelle attività di intelligence
La #NSA e il #Cyber Command statunitense hanno recentemente completato #studi rilevanti sul futuro utilizzo dell’#IA. L’evento è stato sponsorizzato da Recorded Future, la società madre di The Record.
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity
#nsa #cyber #studi #ia #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
Dr Kafeel Khan releases Tamil version of his book, says won't remain a mute spectator
“I read a lot in jail. Until then I did not bother to know why Gauri Lankesh was killed, or why there is so much poison based on caste on religion. My whole life I had only studied medical books,” says Dr Kafeel Khan.
#TamilNadu #chennai #DrKafeelKhan #GorakhpurHospitalTragedy #gorakhpur #healthcare #activism #UttarPradesh #AjayBisht #YogiAdityanath #UPGovt #hindutva #NSA #communalism #muslims #BJP #india #books
#tamilnadu #Chennai #drkafeelkhan #gorakhpurhospitaltragedy #gorakhpur #healthcare #activism #uttarpradesh #ajaybisht #yogiadityanath #upgovt #hindutva #nsa #Communalism #muslims #BJP #india #books
#Emergency Radio Failure flight #NSA is squawking #7600 (Radio Failure) at 9/4/2023, 8:51:40 AM
SecurityAffairs: UNRAVELING EternalBlue: inside the WannaCry’s enabler https://securityaffairs.com/150220/hacking/unraveling-eternalblue-exploit.html #informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #PierluigiPaganini #SecurityAffairs #BreakingNews #ETERNALBLUE #hackingnews #WannaCry #Hacking #Malware #NSA
#informationsecuritynews #itinformationsecurity #pierluigipaganini #securityaffairs #breakingnews #eternalblue #hackingnews #wannacry #hacking #malware #nsa
SecurityAffairs: UNRAVELING EternalBlue: inside the WannaCry’s enabler https://securityaffairs.com/150220/hacking/unraveling-eternalblue-exploit.html #informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #PierluigiPaganini #SecurityAffairs #BreakingNews #ETERNALBLUE #hackingnews #WannaCry #Hacking #Malware #NSA
#informationsecuritynews #itinformationsecurity #pierluigipaganini #securityaffairs #breakingnews #eternalblue #hackingnews #wannacry #hacking #malware #nsa
@matiu_bidule et pourtant...
Photos qui se baladent sans vergogne pour se retrouver réutilisées ?, mail qui sont tracés par #nsa et #cia car c'est la règle depuis la loi anti-terroristes pour tous les opérateurs américains, cloud piratés, spam et arnaques en tous genres.
C'est sûr qu'il y a toujours plus important ...
Le tout numérique comporte des risques.
"Bis dahin werden alle rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen geschaffen sein, um die Oracle-Cloud auch in der Öffentlichen Verwaltung verwenden zu können, ist sich Peter von Dietze sicher."
Ach deshalb der #NSA-Chef neulich, oder?
Etwas Satire am Wochenende tut immer gut :mastojoy:
#Überwachung: #NSA soll weltweit "mit Würde und Respekt" spionieren | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Ueberwachung-NSA-soll-weltweit-mit-Wuerde-und-Respekt-spionieren-9286076.html #surveillance #Datenschutz #privacy
#uberwachung #nsa #surveillance #datenschutz #privacy
Missing Link: Wieso so viel US- und Google-Geld in Open-Source-Projekten steckt
Der US-Staat und der Google-Mutter Alphabet sind die Lieblingsfeinde der digitalen Zivilgesellschaft und gleichzeitig deren Financiers. Wie passt das zusammen?
#MissingLink #Alphabet #Google #Internet #NSA #LinuxundOpenSource #PGP #Security #Signal #Tor #Verschlüsselung #news
#missinglink #alphabet #google #internet #nsa #linuxundopensource #pgp #security #signal #tor #verschlusselung #news
Überwachung: #NSA soll weltweit "mit Würde und Respekt" spionieren
Haha, selten so gelacht. 😜
fefe hat's super zusammengefasst, was davon zu halten ist: https://blog.fefe.de/?ts=9a14f0ca
Das ist alles nur Show, damit die #EU wieder offiziell unsere Daten in die #cloud hochlädt.
#Spionage #USA #GDPR #privacy #security #DSGVO #DataPrivacyFramework #Snowden #Google #AWS #Apple 🤡
#nsa #eu #cloud #Spionage #usa #gdpr #privacy #security #dsgvo #DataPrivacyFRAMEWORK #Snowden #google #aws #apple
und dann sagte er: "Mit Würde und Respekt spionieren"
Überwachung: NSA soll weltweit "mit Würde und Respekt" spionieren
NSA-Direktor Paul Nakasone hat den Agenten vorgeschrieben, bei Spähoperationen stärker auf die Privatsphäre der Betroffenen zu achten. Dies stößt auf Skepsis.