After some further consideration regarding the track plan of my new N scale model railway that I first posted about 2 weeks ago, I changed it to that shown here and tested the train on it and it worked better reversing into the spurs. The oval is a bit smaller, but the spurs are better than better.
I have also completed the baseboard, from leftover plywood and chipboard, and added some resistors into the wiring so that the voltage is lower and the train runs at a more realistic speed.
#nscaletrains #nscalemodeltrains #nscalelayout #microlayouts #micromodelrailways #katopocketline
#nscaletrains #nscalemodeltrains #nscalelayout #microlayouts #micromodelrailways #katopocketline
Lilliputland N scale model railway on display today at Corowa Arts, Crafts and Model Trains exhibition.
#nscaletrains #modeltrains #modelrailways #artsandcraftsexhibition #hobbies
#nscaletrains #modeltrains #modelrailways #artsandcraftsexhibition #hobbies