Record fires and record floods for Mi’kma’ki in the same summer. Tinkering with tax credits and carbon taxes is not enough. We need real .

#climateactionnow #climatecrisis #cdnpoli #novascotia #novascotiadeservesbetter #nsflood

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve Dinn · @steve
171 followers · 1612 posts · Server

It is time for the city of Halifax to get a handle on its social media. Over the past months, we have had a devastating wildfire and just recently some fairly severe flooding. If it were not for an engaged private citizen most people would have no clue what was happening. Not to belittle the effort of HRMFireNews (because they're awesome) but if a concerned citizen can do this on their own, there is absolutely no reason why the city shouldn't be able to get its shit together.

I also think they should get the hell off of the sinking ship that is Twitter, but that's a separate issue: Mastodon (or similar) could provide a city-run site with no logins required to view posts, no viewing limits, RSS feeds, etc. But whatever they do, or not do, it's on them.

#halifax #hfxns #novascotia #nsstorm #hfxstorm #hfxflood #nsflood

Last updated 1 year ago