@hkdc_us RT by @MarkSimonHK: Two years ago today, #HongKong’s #AppleDaily announced it was closing & its final issue was on June 24, 2021. Its six executives have now been in prison for 702 to 925 days each on #NSL charges of “conspiracy to collude with foreign forces” & #sedition. https://shorturl.at/tuBQS https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us/status/1672192683559755776#m
#hongkong #appledaily #nsl #sedition
@XinqiSu RT by @Stand_with_HK: Pro-Beijing Ta Kung Pao runs a full A1 report citing legal-political figures urging the police to arrest #NSL suspects from abroad eg @nathanlawkc @denniswhkwok and @tedhuichifung . The report highlighted #NSL’s extraterritorial power on non-HKers and suggested asking InterPol. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/XinqiSu/status/1671688212052426754#m
Two years ago today, #HongKong’s #AppleDaily announced it was closing & its final issue was on June 24, 2021. Its six executives have now been in prison for 702 to 925 days each on #NSL charges of “conspiracy to collude with foreign forces” & #sedition. https://shorturl.at/tuBQS https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us/status/1672192683559755776#m
#hongkong #appledaily #nsl #sedition
@XinqiSu RT by @nathanlawkc: Pro-Beijing Ta Kung Pao runs a full A1 report citing legal-political figures urging the police to arrest #NSL suspects from abroad eg @nathanlawkc @denniswhkwok and @tedhuichifung . The report highlighted #NSL’s extraterritorial power on non-HKers and suggested asking InterPol. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/XinqiSu/status/1671688212052426754#m
@XinqiSu RT by @laiyanhoeric: Pro-Beijing Ta Kung Pao runs a full A1 report citing legal-political figures urging the police to arrest #NSL suspects from abroad eg @nathanlawkc @denniswhkwok and @tedhuichifung . The report highlighted #NSL’s extraterritorial power on non-HKers and suggested asking InterPol. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/XinqiSu/status/1671688212052426754#m
Pro-Beijing Ta Kung Pao runs a full A1 report citing legal-political figures urging the police to arrest #NSL suspects from abroad eg @nathanlawkc @denniswhkwok and @tedhuichifung . The report highlighted #NSL’s extraterritorial power on non-HKers and suggested asking InterPol. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/XinqiSu/status/1671688212052426754#m
#LATEST Ex #HKAlliance leader and prominent unionist Lee Cheuk-yan will apply for bail from High Court on June 26 Monday over the Alliance’s #NSL “incitement to subversion” case. Lee has been remanded over this case since Sep 2021 and jailed over other cases since April 2021. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/XinqiSu/status/1671336982058868737#m
R to @jooeysiiu: Olivia left Hong Kong in July 2022 after someone claiming to be from the new national security dept. – created two years earlier when the CCP imposed a draconian #NSL on the city – approached her in the street and accused her of supporting Hong Kong independence. by @amyhawk_ https://nitter.hongkongers.net/jooeysiiu/status/1671144510502367233#m
R to @hk_watch: This includes working on a joint #sanctions announcement in advance of the sentencing of #JimmyLai #47Democrats #StandNewsjournalists that includes judges & prosecutors involved in #NSL cases. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hk_watch/status/1666548779800043521#m
#sanctions #jimmylai #47democrats #standnewsjournalists #nsl
@galileocheng RT by @phoebe_kongwy: Banned Anthem: #Hongkong justice department seeking injunction to ban protest anthem “Glory to #Hongkong” spreading online. DoJ files the song, its rhythm and lyrics is inciting subversion of state power under #NSL, or seditious. https://youtu.be/oUIDL4SB60g https://nitter.hongkongers.net/galileocheng/status/1665928462677479424#m
@galileocheng RT by @StephenMcDonell: Banned Anthem: #Hongkong justice department seeking injunction to ban protest anthem “Glory to #Hongkong” spreading online. DoJ files the song, its rhythm and lyrics is inciting subversion of state power under #NSL, or seditious. https://youtu.be/oUIDL4SB60g https://nitter.hongkongers.net/galileocheng/status/1665928462677479424#m
Stage 64's founder Lit Ming-wai still felt the "boundaryless power" of HK's #NSL, when publishing the script of “35th of May” in Taiwan. The tagline “Unveil the memories once displaced; confront the abnormal red line" was changed due to legal concerns ... https://uk.news.yahoo.com/hong-kong-artists-mark-tiananmen-073154357.html https://nitter.hongkongers.net/XinqiSu/status/1664543796489535491#m
@XinqiSu RT by @laiyanhoeric: #UPDATE HK high court will hand down decision on #JimmyLai’s application for stay of proceeding in the afternoon of the 29th of May, one day before the case management hearing for his #NSL collusion trial. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/XinqiSu/status/1661555133124050945#m
#UPDATE HK high court will hand down decision on #JimmyLai’s application for stay of proceeding in the afternoon of the 29th of May, one day before the case management hearing for his #NSL collusion trial. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/XinqiSu/status/1661555133124050945#m
One new #PoliticalPrisoner in #HongKong on Monday: A 30-year-old plead guilty to public nuisance re a box emitting smoke at Wan Chai Immigration Tower on Jul 1, 2020, the 1st day of the #NSL. Remanded pending sentencing after trial of co-defendant. https://bit.ly/41VVMwj https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us/status/1660659726059724803#m
#politicalprisoner #hongkong #nsl
R to @JessiePang0125: Poon wrote in a judgement, the #NSL "has not vested the ... courts with any jurisdiction over the work of the NSC". "The duties and functions of the NSC ... are matters well beyond the ... courts' institutional capacity," Poon said. https://legalref.judiciary.hk/doc/judg/word/vetted/other/en/2023/HCMP000253_2023.docx https://nitter.hongkongers.net/JessiePang0125/status/1659434971545899008#m
R to @students4hk: The Hong Kong community appreciates the United States and the European Union has imposed sanctions on Hong Kong officials responsible for formulating and executing the National Security Law (#NSL), which UN experts have pointed out as in violation of international human rights https://nitter.hongkongers.net/students4hk/status/1659297674913550336#m
@hk_watch RT by @benedictrogers: Following the closure of Apple Daily & StandNews plus the jailing of journalists under the #NSL, Hong Kong is ranked 140/180 in the 2023 World Press Freedom Index #RSFIndex #WorldPressFreedomDay https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hk_watch/status/1653669219886612480#m
#nsl #rsfindex #worldpressfreedomday
Following the closure of Apple Daily & StandNews plus the jailing of journalists under the #NSL, Hong Kong is ranked 140/180 in the 2023 World Press Freedom Index #RSFIndex #WorldPressFreedomDay https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hk_watch/status/1653669219886612480#m
#nsl #rsfindex #worldpressfreedomday