The logging industry and The Great Koala National Park
"The days of hand tools have given way to heavy machinery that tears through the landscape in pursuit of trees. Vast hectares are now stripped down to bare soil. These 40-tonne machines compact the dry ground, hindering the forest's natural growth, healing and regeneration."
"There is also the unseen financial burden carried by Australians through taxes. According to the NSW Forestry Corporation's (2021-22) annual report, logging native forests not only threatens species on the brink of extinction but also costs taxpayers millions. The report reveals NSW taxpayers unknowingly fund the felling of forests the public wishes to protect, making this practice not only environmentally but also economically unsustainable.'
#tourism #NativeForests #LoggingIndustry #BellingenLogging #NSWLogging #NSWForestry #FossilFuel #machinery #climate #biodiversity #extinction makers
#tourism #nativeforests #loggingindustry #bellingenlogging #nswlogging #nswforestry #fossilfuel #machinery #climate #biodiversity #extinction
Home of endangered marsupial hit by state-sanctioned logging in NSW, environmentalists say
"Conservationists say Forestry Corporation of NSW logging operation is ‘knocking to pieces’ a forest home to the greater glider..The greater glider is Australia’s largest gliding marsupial. It was listed as endangered in 2022 after losing significant parts of its habitat to bushfire, drought, land-clearing and logging."
#NSW #endangered #habitats #species #StopLogging #NativeForest #TallagandaSF #ForestryCorporation #NSWLogging #NSWForestry #ThreatenedSpecies #marsupials #biodiversity
#nsw #endangered #habitats #species #stoplogging #nativeforest #tallagandasf #forestrycorporation #nswlogging #nswforestry #threatenedspecies #marsupials #biodiversity
#NSWForestry hides the existence of original forest inside its plantations by obscuring it, or re-classification. The objective: log it, certify it, claim it's plantation. Why? Because you can clear-fell plantation and don't have any oversight from the EPA, and "it's just a plantation."
Dr. Tim Cadman, 2022
#SaveTuckersNob #NSWForestry #video #GKNP #biodiversity #habitat #GlenifferRoad #BellingenLogging #RemnantVegetation
#nswforestry #savetuckersnob #video #gknp #biodiversity #habitat #glenifferroad #bellingenlogging #remnantvegetation
"Evidence of forests being actively converted by #NSWForestry to #plantations"
#GlenifferRoad #BellingenLogging (0.47min)
all videos by Tim Cadman
#TuckersNob #NativeForest #Logging #Biodiversity #Koalas #Bellingen #Roads #detour
#nswforestry #plantations #glenifferroad #bellingenlogging #tuckersnob #nativeforest #logging #biodiversity #koalas #bellingen #roads #detour