'Conflict of Interest'
The PR excuse from EY shows the level of integrity that the consultancy has towards governance and professional ethics.
Determining whether there is a conflict of interest (perceived or actual) is never ever ever EVER the decision of the interest-holder.
Every professional with involvement in Public service and governance knows this.
#NSWPol #NSWLaw #AusPol #AusBiz
#nswpol #nswlaw #auspol #ausbiz
RT @MarkSpeakman@twitter.com
⚖️ The @NSWDstCt@twitter.com Child Sexual Offence Evidence Pilot will become a permanent program after #UNSW evaluation: less trauma + better evidence from children through use of witness intermediaries, pre-recorded evidence + specialist judges https://www.justice.nsw.gov.au/Pages/media-news/media-releases/2018/childrens-champion-future-secure.aspx #auslaw #nswlaw
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarkSpeakman/status/1063945253445455873
‘Nobody is above the law’ says factional member of political party that is negligent on #ClimateAction despite Court rulings about environmental and climate obligations.
#NSWPol #NSWLaw https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/dec/06/violet-coco-nsw-minister-voted-for-laws-used-to-jail-his-niece-for-15-months-over-climate-protest
#climateaction #nswpol #nswlaw
‘Not OK’
Danny Lim using walking sticks after ‘discontinued’ arrest by NSW police
- still struggles with coordination and suffers headaches after Sydney CBD arrest https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/dec/06/not-ok-danny-lim-using-walking-sticks-after-discontinued-arrest-by-nsw-police
Farmers allege up to 70 years of warnings ignored by Government(s). At least 24 under owned Statutory Corporation, ARTC.
(... 70-years certainly plausible, if you consider the long history of the Trans-Australia)
#AusPol #NSWPol #AusLaw #NSWLaw #AgChatOz #Infrastructure #NSWFloods
#auspol #nswpol #auslaw #nswlaw #agchatoz #infrastructure #NSWFloods
Counter-opinion to
NSW Police has paid out over $148 million towards 'civil claims for police misconduct' over the last five financial years
from 2016 to 2021 for various controversial tactics and conducts. (Source:
https://obriensolicitors.com.au/nsw-police-fork-out-33m-police-misconduct-claims-2020-21/ )
Hard to imagine any major changes for a drop in the water.
#NSWPol #NSWLaw #PoliceAccountabilityProject
#nswpol #nswlaw #policeaccountabilityproject
… the liberal democratic state inspiring new ways to suppress peaceful protests, for authoritarian states to use.
@andrewstroehlein’s HRW brief https://www.hrw.org/the-day-in-human-rights/2022/12/02
#AusPol #AusLaw #NSWPol #NSWLaw #HumanRights
#auspol #auslaw #nswpol #nswlaw #humanrights
Non-violent, peaceful Climate Activist, who complied with all bail conditions, refused appeal bail.
Perrottet's NSW appears to be more lenient to traffic offences (such as speeding 40kph over limit) compared to a peaceful protest which only partly blocked traffic and risked no lives.
#NSWLaw #NSWPol #ClimateCrisis
#nswlaw #nswpol #climatecrisis
Record-keeping and Justification is fundamental to all issues of government, including the issuing of fines.
#NSWPol #NSWPolice #NSWLaw
#justsaying #nswpol #nswpolice #nswlaw
Re, Danny Lim;
NSW Premier expects ‘strongest action’ 🤦🏻
… prejudicing the case is irresponsible of Premier Perrottet. The only business the premier has on this matter is seeking agency assurance about accountability and transparency,
and looking to review existing legislation and policies to consider reforms to ensure a similar case never happens again.
‘Trying to entice me into the bushes’: Hate crimes inquiry exposes police entrapment
Restriction of tactics involving Police Entrapment is one of the few differences between liberal democratic and fascist states.
There's a long history behind why police operations are severely restricted with the use of certain tactics.
... yet there continues to be a far-right wing movement to enabling Police Entrapment tactics in liberal states.
#AusPol #NSWPol #AusLaw #NSWLaw #LGBTIQ #HateCrimes #InnocenceProject
#auspol #nswpol #auslaw #nswlaw #lgbtiq #hatecrimes #InnocenceProject
Good Samaritan threatened with ‘hindering an arrest’, as Danny Lim plead for ambulance before physically thrown to ground.
#NSWPol #NSWLaw #NSWPolice
Independent review into Danny Lim incident,
but do we also need a review into Security sector?
What ‘legal’ reason did they have to order Danny Lim out of a public-purpose private property?
#AusLaw #NSWLaw #NSWPol
Danny Lim also found with brain bleed and neck injury, in addition to the cheekbone injury previously mentioned by Police Spokesperson.
#AusBiz #PublicSpaces #RightToWalkThroughPublicSpaces #RightToDignity #NSWLaw #NSWPolice
#ausbiz #publicspaces #righttowalkthroughpublicspaces #righttodignity #nswlaw #nswpolice
Is this the same Queen Victoria Building that is a five-level shopping centre for the general public that is described by management, 'Vicinity Centres' as "for our community, ... creating welcoming and inclusive hubs for all"
#AusBiz #PublicSpaces #RightToWalkThroughPublicSpaces #RightToDignity #NSWLaw #NSWPolice
#ausbiz #publicspaces #righttowalkthroughpublicspaces #righttodignity #nswlaw #nswpolice