Have I told you about my band N to The Power? We are in the thick of working on our second album.
The shorthand description of the band's aesthetic for our first album was "Steve Reich meets Fela Kuti." I'm thinking the second album is "Sun Ra Arkestra meets Talking Heads." But maybe a bit of Massive Attack as well?
Pitchfork said "Like a New Orleans second-line in outer space."
#avantgarde #instrumental #ntothepower #musodon #Music
Happy Caturday Night!
This is Laika just now listening to "B'gangular," one of the in-progress tracks from the new N to The Power album I am working on. Laika LOVES music! Hoping to have vinyl ready by December.
More about N to The Power here: https://www.ntothepower.com
B'GANGULAR by N to The Power
Bruno Coon - guitar
Tony Jarvis - Sax
Blake Leyh - synth
Vincent Curson Smith - Trumpet
Yusuke Yamamoto - Congas, vibraphone
#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #Laika #NtoThePower #Music #MusicProduction
#MusicProduction #Music #ntothepower #laika #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday
Ryo just came home and snapped this pic of me working at the dining room table on new tracks for the N to The Power sessions we are doing on Monday and Tuesday.
#ntothepower #homestudio #MusicProduction #Music #musodon
I will happily give a download code for a free download of the album "N2P IN DUB Vol.1" to the first five people who post videos of their cats or dogs or other pets listening to "Marrakesh Memosphere (Interregnum Dub Mix)"
#giveaway #Contest #freemusic #dub #Music #ntothepower
You can find the music here:
You can find the music here:
<iframe style="border: 0; width: 350px; height: 470px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=745898712/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/tracklist=false/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="https://ntothepower.bandcamp.com/album/n2p-in-dub-vol-i">N2P IN DUB Vol. I by N to The Power</a></iframe>
For #Caturday here is one of my all-time favorite Laika videos. We were listening together to the just-completed dub remix of "Marrakesh Memosphere" by my band N to The Power, in November 2020. Laika loves all music, and this piece was blowing her mind.
#CatsOfMastodon #NtoThePower #Music #Dub #AnimalsListeningToMusic
#animalslisteningtomusic #dub #Music #ntothepower #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday