Lately I've been looking at my #NTP #rrdtool graphs more often because I switched the NTP implementation on my #FreeBSD server from #ntpd to #chrony. Overall, I'm quite impressed with chrony - although it seems to be so good I wonder if I'm plotting comparable data. :) #timenut
Last week, I did a major OS upgrade and replaced a dumb switch with a managed one and set up LACP. Doing this however seems to result in weird latency/time offset spikes. Unplugging one of the two members cleans it up.
#timenut #chrony #ntpd #freebsd #rrdtool #ntp
Clock synchronization without #NTP gone wrong:
> Microsoft introduced the time-keeping feature in 2016 as a way to ensure that system clocks were accurate [...] Sometimes, the clock times jumped by a matter of weeks. Other times, the times changed to as late as the year 2159
Any #InfoSec folks out there with the latest best practices around #NTP? I'm working on a network that locked down access to external NTP servers heavily back when amplification attacks were becoming common. We have an internal NTP server with restricted outbound access, but I'd like for critical infrastructure like domain controllers to be able to fall back to external servers if the internal one goes down. Any "gotchas?"
@tails For example, I do want to preconfigure some basics like @torproject #Bridges and settings like "use Port 890 & 443 only" which #TorBrowser allows me to do, but #Tails doesn't.
Or at least they don't allow me to just change a config file on the #PersistentStorage to do so.
Worse: I can't even do a single #ClockSync via #NTP without having a #Tor connection up and running, which is really bricking stuff.
#persistentstorage #Tor #ntp #clocksync #tails #torbrowser #bridges
#ntp #time #software #presentation Trying to find a presentation about ntp I came across on Masto some time ago. It was following the chain of time providers from ntp back to standards bodies and historic definitions of time by repeatedly asking the question: “… and where does x get the time from?”
#ntp #time #software #presentation
@flamesoulis I saw a piece from the #RaspberryPi people about an #NTP server with an external antenna. Sorry my memory isn't better, but I think it used a co-ax between antenna and #GPS. Maybe their #MagPi magazine.
Why the timesyncd client does not receive any reply from the NTP server (time out in reply)? #networking #lubuntu #ntp #timeout #systemdtimesyncd
#networking #lubuntu #ntp #timeout #systemdtimesyncd
Why the timesyncd client does not receive any reply from the NTP server (time out in reply)? #lubuntu #ntp #timeout #systemdtimesyncd
#lubuntu #ntp #timeout #systemdtimesyncd
Good news everyone! There's not going to be a leap second inserted in the UTC time scale at the end of December 2023.
(given the overall trend in the rotation of the Earth, this shouldn't be a surprise...)
#UTC #LeapSecond #NTP
Hackaday Prize 2023: Sleek Macro Pad Makes 2FA a Little Easier - We all know the drill when it comes to online security — something you know, and s... - #two-factorauthenication #2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #contests #cherrymx #esp32-s3 #feather #rfc6238 #usbhid #salt #totp #2fa #ntp #tft
#tft #ntp #2fa #totp #salt #usbhid #RFC6238 #feather #esp32 #cherrymx #contests #thehackadayprize #2023hackadayprize #two
At #RIPE86, Karin Ahl from Netnod does an excellent job of explaining how critical #NTP is for the core of the Internet. This is another fundamental protocol that is in need of modernisation and #MemorySafety. @tweedegolf is working on this in #rustlang with Project Pendulum.
#ripe86 #ntp #memorysafety #rustlang
@lamp wrong #Timezone / "#DaylightSavingsTime" / misconfigured #NTP Server / Client?
#ntp #daylightsavingstime #timezone
I’ve only done a quick search on this but am not finding what I want. Assume I’m making a #DIY #clock with #ESP32 and #ESPHome. For this clock, I’d like it to display the current time but with an offset of 10 or 15 minutes. (Sometimes people like to set their clock ahead to help them stay on schedule.) The clock does network time sync with #NTP or #HomeAssistant so that its internal system time remains accurate. Is there a way to configure the time display offset?
#diy #clock #esp32 #esphome #ntp #homeassistant