Lately I've been looking at my #NTP #rrdtool graphs more often because I switched the NTP implementation on my #FreeBSD server from #ntpd to #chrony. Overall, I'm quite impressed with chrony - although it seems to be so good I wonder if I'm plotting comparable data. :) #timenut
Last week, I did a major OS upgrade and replaced a dumb switch with a managed one and set up LACP. Doing this however seems to result in weird latency/time offset spikes. Unplugging one of the two members cleans it up.
#timenut #chrony #ntpd #freebsd #rrdtool #ntp
In case you are worried about the RCEs in #ntpd, take it slow(er), read both comments:
* 4/5 vulns in NTPQ:
* 5th unlikely to be triggered:
In general probably a good idea to follow the GH-issue during the next hours and days.
Troubleshooting Linux Time Synchronization with NTP #ntpd #ntpdate
@texttheater Die Unix-Philosophie besagt: "Do one thing, and do it well". Damit ist gemeint, dass jedes Kommandozeilenprogramm einen bestimmten Skopus haben sollte (#Orthogonalität). Durch Pipelines usw. lassen sich die Unix-Tools bei Bedarf kombinieren. Systemd hat statt dessen alles Mögliche wahllos integriert – oftmals in schlechterer Qualität. So musste ich erst neulich wieder #ntpd installieren, weil das in #systemd integrierte Pendant einfach nicht gut genug ist.
#systemd #ntpd #orthogonalitat
Speaking of my #NAS; I have a jail on my (#TrueNAS Core) NAS that runs a few proxying services, including an #ntpd. It has this in /etc/rc.conf:
So ... why doesn't ntpd start at boot? service ntpd start starts it immediately. It hasn't started at boot for literally years, I have to start it by hand on every reboot. Why?
Updated #FreshTomato #firmware on my #Netgear #R7000 #router and #ASUS RT-N66U that I use as a switch + WiFi AP.
For some reason it was a pain to get the WAN working again. Rebooting the cable modem and R7000 eventually cleared it up?
Noticed that #busybox #ntpd on the firmware doesn't respond to ntpq queries and is rather config-limited, so I installed the #entware version on the R7000's USB stick.
Also uninstalled #avahi because it's now built into the firmware - neat! Now do #wsdd2 please!
#freshtomato #firmware #netgear #r7000 #router #asus #busybox #ntpd #Entware #avahi #wsdd2
Huch, ich hab hier mehrere #ntpd-Prozesse, die die gesamte CPU belegen. Das hatte ich auch noch nicht.
Depuis une mise à jour d'#ArchLinux, #OpenNTPD (de OpenBSD) ne synchronise plus l'horloge. Retour au traditionnel #ntpd, qui marche. (Et qui permet de restreindre les accès par adresse IP.)
#archlinux #openntpd #ntpd #ntp #sysadmin