My #introduction:
Ham radio operator in Texas. Love getting on SSB / FT4 / FT8. Often an operator of @nu5de. On #C4FM / #WiresX at Texas-SADRC. See my QRZ page for more.
I also enjoy flying UAVs (Drones) recreationally. Aside from the obvious scenic photography uses, they are also quite handy for tower and antenna inspections!
#hamradio #amateurradio #naturism #nudism #NU5DE #drones #FPV
#introduction #c4fm #WiresX #HamRadio #AmateurRadio #naturism #nudism #nu5de #drones #fpv
We've been working Field Day today and have been having lots of fun! All on SSB phone on 40m and 20m thus far. Lots of familiar callsigns we've worked in the past!
#HamRadio #hamradiofieldday #nu5de
Field day prep happening now. Emergency power in the form of Solar Panels and LiFePO4 battery ready to run the FTdx10 rig. I don't think we'll have any shortage of sunshine :)
#AmateurRadio #FieldDay #NU5DE
#AmateurRadio #fieldday #nu5de
The relocated 80ft tower at #NU5DE.
This replaced the 40ft tower, which served us for many years.
Working some FT4 on 10 meters today. Bands are hoppin'!
#nu5de #FT4 #ft8 #HamRadio #AmateurRadio
My #introduction:
Ham radio operator in Texas. Love getting on SSB / FT4 / FT8. Often an operator of @NU5DE. On #C4FM / #WiresX at Texas-SADRC. See my QRZ page for more.
#introduction #c4fm #WiresX #HamRadio #AmateurRadio #naturism #nudism #nu5de
Going out to @NU5DE #NU5DE this weekend to get on the air with the club's FTdx10 and, propagation willing, will work some 10m sideband.
#nu5de #HamRadio #amateur #happythanksgiving