#Nodds in Agreement*
I really need to get €€€€ together to get the #NUCbook going...
#Cuz the #Enshittification of #ThinkPads make them a #WontBuy for me since the #X240 series...
#x240 #WontBuy #thinkpads #enshittification #cuz #nucbook #nodds
@rail @natty I'll stick with my #X230t since everything.afterwards is a #Downgrade and I need to do the #NUCbook...
Personally, if I had to buy a #Laptop, it would be a @frameworkcomputer since the #NUCbook isn't ready...
And I'd encourage others to also make that choice.
It's just that it's missing a #ToolfreeSwappableBattery as essential & non-negotiable feature for me!
#toolfreeswappablebattery #nucbook #Laptop
@Scarlet that little thing?
Get me something that can actually print a #NUCbook in one piece!
@aral at this point basically all my projects are stalling due to lack of funding...
And since #NUCbook and other projects go against #SurveillanceCapitalism, #PlannedObsolescence and/or other #Rentseeking they won't get funded.
#rentSeeking #plannedobsolescence #SurveillanceCapitalism #nucbook
@futurebird I guess just shoving in a @Raspberry_Pi and making a fake #Commodore64 #SX64 or #DX64 would be too easy...
Personally I'd use one to make some #Protoype #BaseStation equipment for several of my projects aside from the #NUCbook...
#nucbook #basestation #protoype #dx64 #sx64 #commodore64
Some people asked me "Why don't you put the #NUCbook on #Kickstarter or #Indiegogo?" and I then tell them that I'd rather want the project to be ready to be built and have actually working prototypes to avoid ending up like the #modbook...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AoX-5KIh9Q video via @snazzyq
#modbook #indiegogo #kickstarter #nucbook
@kubikpixel Exakt das!
Ich hätte lieber wartbare Hardware die dafür was #THICC'er sein darf...
Und wenn dabei ein #Chonker von der größe eines #Iridium-Telefons oder nen #NUCbook rauskommt ist das IMHO besser als #Wegwerf-Geräte die effektiv #eWaste per Design sind...
#ewaste #wegwerf #nucbook #iridium #chonker #thicc
@hllizi no, seriously, #ElonMusk really is a kindergartener that never got forced to learn to first take a minute to think "why hasn't anyone else done that yet?"
Like one may scoff and laugh at my ideas loudly - may it be the #NUCbook or #PersonalLightVehicle but most people at the age of like 7 develop some sense of "groundedness" in what's realistic and what's bullshit.
I guess #ApartheidEmeraldBoy never had to learn that shit and now noone holds him accountable.
#apartheidemeraldboy #personallightvehicle #nucbook #ElonMusk
@Toble_Miner Also I would've likely to add USB-C PD 2.0 support for profiles like 20V@5A/100W & 48V@5A/240W since I doubt most folks would be satisfied if the #NUCbook could only draw 15W maximum in total...
But I've to stil thank you for the effort!
@Toble_Miner Actually, this is basically what I need as final piece of the #NUCbook...
@sinituulia EXACTLY THAT!
I want my #tech #repairable in that it uses standard components wherever possible and avoids proprietary bs at all costs...
Guess why I'm still using a #Thinkpad #X230t to this day?
Yes, even the @frameworkcomputer - it's just the least offensive ...
fingers crossed I can actually make the #NUCbook before my machine fails....
#nucbook #Downgrade #X230t #thinkpad #repairable #Tech
I guess omce the #NUCbook is done, @snazzyq will try to shove a #MacMini inside...
@retronianne Reminds me that I really need to make the #NUCbook out of clear plastics!!!
@Joseph @frameworkcomputer @ubuntu
And yes, in terms of #Repairability they are the best option "currently on the market available for purchase"...
I wished I had the €€€€€ to make the #NUCbook into a real product...
@bradlinder I hope #MINISFORUM is releasing a #UCFF board with the former...
Cuz I think those low-power mobile chips will be awesome for the #NUCbook...