Check this out! Our book cover is finished! In late summer, early autumn it will be out.
Credits go to @perhogselius !
#nuclearwaters #nuclearEnergy #ussr #russia
So apparently this is the end of nuclear energy production in #Germany. It was long overdue! The struggle took decades, but finally a step towards the right direction.
#Atomausstieg #nuclearenergy
#germany #atomausstieg #nuclearEnergy
Today 12 years ago the catastrophe of #Fukushima began. Let's reflect on that!
#FukushimaAnniversary #NuclearEnergy #nuclearwaters
#fukushima #fukushimaanniversary #nuclearEnergy #nuclearwaters
TEPCO will release radioactively contaminated into the Pacific soon. #FukushimaWater will continue to pose problems.
#NuclearEnergy #Nuclearwaters
#FukushimaWater #nuclearEnergy #nuclearwaters
Nuclear is not the path forward. Yes China have an abundance of people but using #nuclear is a mistake for planet.
The nuclear lobby notoriously disregard #geneticDamage and #cancer deaths. Some go so far as to label populations as "#inbreds" when they know their tests are resposible.
The waste is used in dirtyBombs. Why don't they graph genetic damage to the people of Fallujah and other places?
We say #PlannedDegrowth is needed not the #technofFix.
#nuclear #geneticDamage #cancer #inbreds #plannedDegrowth #technofFix #nuclearEnergy
PSA: Nuclear energy is #deathFuel.
We need to do (more) with less.
#lowerConsumption #nuclear #nuclearEnergy #withLess #overConsumption #overpopulation #overshoot #mining #uranium #depletedUranium #Iraq #Fallujah
#deathFuel #LowerConsumption #nuclear #nuclearEnergy #withLess #overconsumption #overpopulation #overshoot #mining #Uranium #DepletedUranium #iraq #fallujah
When it comes to #nuclearEnergy and #greenwashing, can we all please condemn (as swiftly as humanly possible) the notion of #SmallModularReactors (#SMRs).
The #UKGovt is set to fund a $280M (USD) project with #RollsRoyce to build the country's first #SMR.
The continuing march of the #deathcult.
What we need is a proper #rethink of #growthism, #corporatism (aka cronyism) and #hyperconsumption.
#howVeryKeynesian #ukpol #consumption #moneyPrinterGoDrr #depletedUranium #whyBitcoinCore #degrowth
#nuclearEnergy #greenwashing #SmallModularReactors #SMRs #UKGovt #RollsRoyce #smr #deathcult #Rethink #growthism #corporatism #hyperConsumption #HowVeryKeynesian #ukpol #consumption #moneyPrinterGoDrr #DepletedUranium #whyBitcoinCore #degrowth
"That's a really nice effort you put into that report on #developers and #realEstate moguls intimidating #communityGroups. Its #print-worthy, but by chance would you be able to tell me, what is your opinion on #nuclearEnergy."
#nuclearLobby #astroturf #democracy #corporateMedia #forcedNews #legacyMedia
#developers #realestate #communityGroups #print #nuclearEnergy #nuclearLobby #astroturf #democracy #corporatemedia #forcedNews #legacymedia
"That's a really nice effort you put into that report on #developers and #realEstate moguls intimidating #communityGroups. What is your opinion on #nuclearEnergy."
#developers #realestate #communityGroups #nuclearEnergy #nuclearLobby #astroturf #democracy
> But a #renewable energy future would mean using less #energy, and it would be somewhat #intermittant and dependant on things like #sunlight and #wind.
#obviousAward #youWin #goNuclear #nuclearEnergy #nuclearLobby #renewableEnergy #solarEnergy #windEnergy
#renewable #energy #intermittant #sunlight #wind #OREALLY #obviousAward #youWin #goNuclear #nuclearEnergy #nuclearLobby #renewableenergy #solarenergy #windenergy
HEADS UP: A #BillGates sponsored videos that are likely shilling #nuclearEnergy seem to be doing the rounds again.
#BillAndMelindaGatesFoundation #YouTube #mixLiesWithTruth #greenwashing
#billgates #nuclearEnergy #billandmelindagatesfoundation #youtube #mixLiesWithTruth #greenwashing
2/2…#environmentalVandalism, #nuclearEnergy (note we mine #uranium here in Australia), #GhostCities, #overdevelopment, #pollution… and much more.
We lamented these and other abuses and the #extremelyWealthy labelled us #racist or flatly ignored us, rather than reducing #Australia's dependence on China. Now many smooth-talking #westerners have been booted out of China and #HongKong and they want you on their side.
Keep this firmly in your mind.
You are being played by the wealthy yet again.
#environmentalVandalism #nuclearEnergy #Uranium #GhostCities #overdevelopment #pollution #extremelyWealthy #racist #australia #westerners #hongkong
#Australia could show global leadership by not exporting #uranium for harmful, wasteful, unsustainable, costly, #centralised, corrupting #nuclearEnergy. The only benefit one can get from uranium is #chemotherapy treatments.
…but Australians have difficulty grasping good #leadership.
#KevinRudd was the last time Australia had a leader, and look what we let #RupertMurdoch and the #corporateOverlords do to him.
#australia #Uranium #centralised #nuclearEnergy #chemotherapy #leadership #KevinRudd #rupertmurdoch #corporateOverlords #memewarfare #frontPageNews #frontPageSocialEngineering
Tariff us, #tariff you.
But could this #AuChina #tradeWar lead to adopting the most destructive, #unsustainable, #unhealthy, peaceThreatening and highly #centralised, #energy of all — #nuclearEnergy?
Given that #China are going #nuclear. Rather than try to #trade with them maybe an #embargo is for the best?
Can #Australia reduce #uranium exports, only enough for #radiationTreatment? Thoughts?
#tariff #AuChina #tradewar #unsustainable #unhealthy #centralised #energy #nuclearEnergy #china #nuclear #trade #embargo #australia #Uranium #radiationTreatment #sanctions #AusGreens #scomo
@luxpris @liaizon @zzz
Also make this person aware that unfettered #greenCapitalism will lead them down the worst path for #humanity, and that is #nuclearEnergy.
#nuclear #nuclearPower #socialismForTheRich #tooBigTooExist #nuclearWaste #uranium #mining #dirtyBombs #geneticWarfare #CIA #paraMilitary #Fallujah #Iraq #usImperialism #radiation #cancer #depletedUranium #Fukushima #Chernobyl #turkishApricots #driedApricots #pollution
#greencapitalism #humanity #nuclearEnergy #nuclear #nuclearpower #socialismfortherich #tooBigTooExist #nuclearwaste #Uranium #mining #dirtyBombs #geneticWarfare #cia #paramilitary #fallujah #iraq #usimperialism #radiation #cancer #DepletedUranium #fukushima #chernobyl #turkishApricots #driedApricots #pollution
Oh this is that organisation that produced videos denying we have a #populationGrowth problem, because #immunisation. Ignoring recent spikes in #fertility.
They are have a pro-#nuclearEnergy slant in their videos if memory serves also.
We remember feel good videos that do not help us.
#populationGrowth #immunisation #fertility #nuclearEnergy
#NuclearEnergy is a scam on govts.
It tends to only be proped up by very seedy #vestedInterests with long tentacles.
#Nuclear is a can of worms but because the #nuclearLobby can make obscene amounts of money in the field they are relentless in their efforts.
They should drink their own #depletedUranium rather than #bombing it on other countries and #poisoning #diplomats they don't like with it.
Nuclear energy is a mess for govts and we need to prevent them.
#nuclearEnergy #vestedInterests #nuclear #nuclearLobby #DepletedUranium #bombing #poisoning #diplomats
"If you can't beat 'em, drop #depletedUranuim on them and produce deformed and damaged #children."
The new mantra of the US and its allies we suspect.
#CantillonEffect #moneyPrinting #warIsARacket #smedleyButler #imperialists #ushegemony #nuclear #nuclearEnergy #colonialWars #oilWars #rationing #fiatCollapse #bitcoinStandard
#depletedUranuim #children #cantilloneffect #moneyPrinting #warisaracket #SmedleyButler #imperialists #ushegemony #nuclear #nuclearEnergy #colonialWars #oilwars #rationing #fiatCollapse #bitcoinStandard