When we realised just how much influence the #nuclearLobby has over almost everything including #mediaGiants and that there's no point #working in #theSystem that's dedicated to this #poisoning of people and planet, and the seemingly endless expansion and #growth that destroys every #ecosystem and #humanSoul it touches, and how our own #data is being crunched against us…
That's when we realised the urgency of voices like #Assange, why we need #privacy for *almost* everything.
Forgive us.
#nuclearLobby #mediaGiants #working #thesystem #poisoning #growth #ecosystem #humanSoul #data #assange #privacy
In case there is any doubt the above #goNuclear was actually a poor attempt at sarcasm (see #nuclearLobby).
If you boosted thinking we were proNuclear shills, you may unboost.
We don't support something that is unsafe, unsustainable, costly, an instument of war, highly centralised etc.
The point we are making is a renewable future will likely mean no more air-conditioning.
The #nuclearLobby or as you put it, the #nuclearIndustry need to wither away. It will not save us, in fact will achieve the opposite, from the info we've seen. There's really no way we've seen to sustainably enjoy an equitable, safe affordable #nuclear future.
#nuclearLobby #nuclearIndustry #nuclear
"That's a really nice effort you put into that report on #developers and #realEstate moguls intimidating #communityGroups. Its #print-worthy, but by chance would you be able to tell me, what is your opinion on #nuclearEnergy."
#nuclearLobby #astroturf #democracy #corporateMedia #forcedNews #legacyMedia
#developers #realestate #communityGroups #print #nuclearEnergy #nuclearLobby #astroturf #democracy #corporatemedia #forcedNews #legacymedia
"That's a really nice effort you put into that report on #developers and #realEstate moguls intimidating #communityGroups. What is your opinion on #nuclearEnergy."
#developers #realestate #communityGroups #nuclearEnergy #nuclearLobby #astroturf #democracy
> But a #renewable energy future would mean using less #energy, and it would be somewhat #intermittant and dependant on things like #sunlight and #wind.
#obviousAward #youWin #goNuclear #nuclearEnergy #nuclearLobby #renewableEnergy #solarEnergy #windEnergy
#renewable #energy #intermittant #sunlight #wind #OREALLY #obviousAward #youWin #goNuclear #nuclearEnergy #nuclearLobby #renewableenergy #solarenergy #windenergy
Thanks for responding,
We'll read it but so you know, the #nuclearLobby, despite having their fingers literally *everywhere* in #Australia, failed to convince that #nuclear has a future.
Also not sure if the links provided by you cover all seven points made in our above toot, but we'll see.
Bye for now.
#nuclearLobby #australia #nuclear
Consumers to a lesser extent. Yes it may cost a bit more to produce than other methods but if #supermarkets also didn't treat consumers with contempt, wrapping #organicFood in multiple layers of cardboard and plastic then a lot of people would've bought it instead.
Also depends on where one buys food. Little, #organic #independentRetailers and #cornerShops actually have good prices - not double.
Organics are often the same price.
Wouldn't surprise if #nuclearLobby influence, tbh.
#supermarkets #organicfood #organic #independentRetailers #cornerShops #nuclearLobby
#NuclearEnergy is a scam on govts.
It tends to only be proped up by very seedy #vestedInterests with long tentacles.
#Nuclear is a can of worms but because the #nuclearLobby can make obscene amounts of money in the field they are relentless in their efforts.
They should drink their own #depletedUranium rather than #bombing it on other countries and #poisoning #diplomats they don't like with it.
Nuclear energy is a mess for govts and we need to prevent them.
#nuclearEnergy #vestedInterests #nuclear #nuclearLobby #DepletedUranium #bombing #poisoning #diplomats
Sadly the #nuclearLobby are extremely powerful.
The industry, wherever it exists, is #tooBigToFail and aids the #warPigs in the #militaryMediaComplex.
We need to harness #renewables, but the smaller scale nature of #renewableEnergy doesn't suit #monopolists.
Mining and refining #uranium is not a sustainable process.
#nuclearLobby #toobigtofail #warpigs #militaryMediaComplex #renewables #renewableenergy #monopolists #Uranium #nuclear #war #nuclearwaste #nuclearEnergy