12 Misdecisions and Misinformation of the Treated Radioactive Water Ocea... https://youtu.be/zPYyWS16lbc?si=kS483uf19oIOflAU @Youtubeより
#Fukushima #TEPCO
#radiation #fukushimano1 #society #japan #nuclearsafety #nuclear #safecast #汚染水の海洋放出に反対します #FukushimaWater #fukushimanuclearwastewater #fukushimawaterrelease #dontreleasetepcowater #stopreleasingtepcowater #tepco #fukushima
The Danger At Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant | Nuclear Diner https://nucleardiner.wordpress.com/2023/07/04/the-danger-at-zaporizhzhia-nuclear-power-plant/
>A Chernobyl-type accident is not possible at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.
#nuclearsafety #znpp #Zaporizhzhia
A new underwater probe revealed disturbing clues about the damage inside one of the Fukushima nuclear reactors that melted in 2011. The images show exposed steel bars and missing concrete walls, raising concerns about the plant’s earthquake resistance. This could seriously threaten the environment and public health if another disaster strikes.
#fukushima #nuclearsafety #earthquake
We all must urge for an immediate halt to the violence near Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant . The security of our planet is at risk. Let’s strive for peace and safety for all. #nuclearsafety #peace
#NuclearSafety #DiabloCanyon The poll also found that 39% of voters oppose shutting down Diablo Canyon, 33% support closure and 28% are unsure.
Nuclear electric power stations is a failed technology. Waste disposal remains an unprovable theory.
What Biden, Newsom are doing is buying time, that's real politics— this is more kicking cans down the road
RT @dorfman_p
The cost of nuclear when it goes pear-shape.
Board of Audit of Japan: 12.1 trillion yen ($82 billion) already been spent trying to cope with 2011 disaster at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.
#nuclear #nuclearsafety #climate #energy #Fukushima
#fukushima #energy #climate #nuclearsafety #nuclear
And a powerful electromagnetic pulse is emitted by every nuclear detonation... Nuke power stations are targets as we are finding out in Ukraine.
RT @koebergalert
#IAEAReport on #nuclearsafety of Koeberg 9 of 14: “Electromagnetic compatibility has not been completely assessed.” So the control cables may be vulnerable to electromagnetic interference. What would be the consequence of interference on the control cables? 🤨😳
RT @koebergalert
#IAEAReport on #nuclearsafety of Koeberg 12 of 14: “The plant has not comprehensively revalidated the TLAAs for concrete structures. The infamous #KoebergCracks from 2018 have STILL not been addressed via Time Limited Ageing Analysis. These are crucial for defence in depth 😕
#IAEAReport #nuclearsafety #KoebergCracks
RT @koebergalert
#IAEAReport on #nuclearsafety of Koeberg 13 of 14: “Containment structure monitoring system is not fully functional.” So not only are the containment buildings cracked, but also they are not being "fully" monitored. So how can we know the containment will work if it is needed?
RT @dorfman_p@twitter.com
Switzerland NPP : half of uranium supply from Russia.
'Europe's ageing #nuclear fleet is not adapted to deal with contemporary terrorist attacks and cyberattacks'.
'And then, of course, there's the problem of nuclear waste.'
RT @dorfman_p@twitter.com
Same FR EDF EPR reactor design being built and planned for UK ...
#nuclear #nuclearenergy #nuclearsafety #nuclearsecurity #climate
#nuclear #nuclearenergy #nuclearsafety #nuclearsecurity #climate #energy
2011, Los Alamos, at a for-profit nuclear lab:
"Technicians settled on what seemed like a surefire way to win praise from their bosses: In a hi-tech testing and manufacturing building pivotal to sustaining America's nuclear arsenal, they gathered eight rods painstakingly crafted out of plutonium, and positioned them side-by-side on a table to photograph how nice they looked."
#postmortem #postmortems #nuclearsafety
RT @dorfman_p@twitter.com
Nuclear support for Putin's war.
'Russia's €200m nuclear exports untouched by EU sanctions.'
#nuclear #nuclearenergy #nuclearpower #nuclearsafety #climate #Russia #ukraine #energy
#nuclear #nuclearenergy #nuclearpower #nuclearsafety #climate #russia #ukraine #energy
RT @koebergalert
#NuclearMyths: Old #nuclear reactors can simply be refurbished to extend their life. Actually, stress corrosion and tiny cracks found in old French reactors cause shutdowns to be further extended due to #nuclearsafety concerns. What about #Koeberg?🤔 https://www.france24.com/en/france/20220825-france-prolongs-shutdown-of-nuclear-reactors-over-corrosion-amid-rising-energy-prices
#NuclearMyths #nuclear #nuclearsafety #Koeberg
By the way #Koeberg reactors are French-supplied. But we plan to refurbish them to extend their lives.
RT @koebergalert
France immersed in an energy crisis due to problems at the state #nuclear operator. Half of France’s atomic fleet is offline due to unexpected problems incl. the worrisome discovery of cracks in the cooling system at Chinon's 3rd reactor. #nuclearsafety
#Koeberg #nuclear #nuclearsafety
RT @koebergalert
Unexpected radiation-induced cracks found in Hinkley Point B #nuclear plant after 40 years of operation, leading to plans for early closure for safety reasons. #Koeberg will be 40 years old in 2024... #shutdownkoeberg2024 #nuclearsafety #CapeTown https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/features/hinkley-point-b-closure/
#nuclear #Koeberg #shutdownKoeberg2024 #nuclearsafety #capetown
RT @koebergalert
When things go wrong with #nuclear power, they go really wrong… At #Fukushima 11 years later 1,568 cooling pipes up to 30m below ground have to keep the soil frozen to prevent #radioactive groundwater escaping. But they are failing... #nuclearsafety https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14605126
#nuclear #fukushima #radioactive #nuclearsafety
RT @koebergalert
Energy Minister @GwedeMantashe1 called for nominations for a new community representative on the National Nuclear Regulator Board @NucRegSA. If the previous rep was unlawfully removed, any appointment of a replacement will also be unlawful and therefore invalid. #nuclearsafety
RT @koebergalert
The @NucRegSA’s CEO has resigned from the #NNR at a busy time for #nuclear in #SouthAfrica. Civil society organisations have questioned the reasons and timing of this resignation… #koeberg #nuclearsafety @SAFCEI @OUTASA @Project90by2030 @gabriel_klaasen https://koebergalert.org/2022/03/31/nnr-ceo-resigns-after-approvals-for-koeberg-and-as-legal-battles-loom/
#nnr #nuclear #southafrica #Koeberg #nuclearsafety
RT @koebergalert
Do you also suspect it is difficult to have to have regulator members who are philosophically in support of more nuclear power for #SouthAfrica? 🧐 #nuclearsafety https://twitter.com/DavidNi79646904/status/1497348939489624068