New #ISEPpapers! The free-living flagellate #Paratrimastix pyriformis uses a distinct mitochondrial carrier to balance adenine nucleotide pools: Justyna ZĂtek et al. #protists #mitochondria #evolution #eukaryotes #microbes #anaerobes #nucleotides
#iseppapers #paratrimastix #protists #mitochondria #evolution #eukaryotes #microbes #Anaerobes #nucleotides
Do you know the mammalian monosaccharides? Most people who know their #aminoacids and #nucleotides answer no to this quesion... Want to learn? Download our new #glycogang #glycotime poster today! (in the for educators tab). Learn more about #glycosylation #education #biochemistry
#biochemistry #Education #glycosylation #glycotime #glycogang #nucleotides #aminoacids