Oh my, I'd missed that:
"Two behavioral scientists who study honesty accused of using falsified data"
Amazing :masto_lol:
#behavior #behaviouralScience #fraud #data #planetMoney #DanAriely #psychology #FrancescaGino #nudge #HarvardBusinessSchool #honesty #insurance #taxes #guatemala #dmv #DataColada
#behavior #behaviouralscience #fraud #data #planetmoney #danariely #psychology #francescagino #nudge #harvardbusinessschool #honesty #insurance #taxes #guatemala #dmv #datacolada
Hashtag Economia Comportamental hoje traz até um pouco de arte! Não deixe de conferir a mais sofisticada e crítica newsletter sobre Comportamento!
Link da edição #114 aqui: https://geekonomics.substack.com/p/hashtag-economia-comportamental-114
#EconomiaComportamental #ECom #BeSci #BehaviouralEconomics #Nudge
#nudge #behaviouraleconomics #besci #ECom #economiacomportamental
Two new RePEc: NEP categories:
NEP-NUD https://ideas.repec.org/n/nep-nud/ working papers in the area of #Nudge & #Boosting
working papers in the area of #ArtificialIntelligence #AI
#economics #ai #artificialintelligence #BoundedRationality #boosting #nudge
This is your regular reminder that if you don’t provide a course of action that fits people’s needs, you can #nudge them until their hair goes green, but they will not change their behaviour #nijmegen #bijplaatsingen #litter #rubbish
#rubbish #litter #bijplaatsingen #nijmegen #nudge
⛔ https://v.redd.it/mwgwumy682oa1 ⛔
Multiplied by the Number of banks AND spanning since 2006....and all becomes clear:
#politics #usa #USPol #justice #sociology #SocialPsychology #socialscience #société #politique #économie #economic #marché_libre #économie_de_marché_libre #concurrence #compétition #new_public_management #société_du_spectacle #fascisme #technofascisme #néonazisme #technocratie #conformisme #pensée_critique #infobésité #atomisation #massification #identitarisme #nudge #évaluation
#politics #usa #uspol #justice #sociology #socialpsychology #socialscience #societe #politique #economie #economic #marche_libre #economie_de_marche_libre #concurrence #competition #new_public_management #societe_du_spectacle #fascisme #technofascisme #neonazisme #technocratie #conformisme #pensee_critique #infobesite #atomisation #massification #identitarisme #nudge #evaluation
Multiplied by the Number of banks AND spanning since 2006....and all becomes clear:
#politics #usa #USPol #justice #sociology #SocialPsychology #socialscience #société #politique #économie #economic #marché_libre #économie_de_marché_libre #concurrence #compétition #new_public_management #société_du_spectacle #fascisme #technofascisme #néonazisme #technocratie #conformisme #pensée_critique #infobésité #atomisation #massification #identitarisme #nudge #évaluation
#politics #usa #uspol #justice #sociology #socialpsychology #socialscience #societe #politique #economie #economic #marche_libre #economie_de_marche_libre #concurrence #competition #new_public_management #societe_du_spectacle #fascisme #technofascisme #neonazisme #technocratie #conformisme #pensee_critique #infobesite #atomisation #massification #identitarisme #nudge #evaluation
Nudges are everywhere from the tipping prompts at your next takeout to the enrollment defaults in your health insurance plan.
Are you curious how nudging shows up in the software we build?
Join me as I explore some of these ideas in Nudging Towards Better Software (https://blog.efficiencygeek.com/nudging-towards-better-software-behavioralit).
#nudge #softwaredevelopment #behavioralIT #choicearchitecture #behavioraleconomics #software
#nudge #softwaredevelopment #behavioralit #choicearchitecture #behavioraleconomics #software
Autonomous nudges and #AI Choice Architects – Where does responsibility lie in computer mediated decision-making?
"…the #responsibility gap for autonomous choice architects is an illusion; the product of a ‘veil of complexity’"
#aiEthics #BoundedRationality
#nudge #BoundedRationality #aiethics #responsibility #ai
LA RELIGION DU MARCHÉ A FAIT DE NOUS DES ÊTRES SERVILES ET CONFORMES - Roland Gori - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8ffYfySvRU #société #politique #économie #roland_gori #marché_libre #économie_de_marché_libre #concurrence #compétition #new_public_management #société_du_spectacle #néolibéralisme #capitaliste #fascisme #technofascisme #néonazisme #technocratie #conformisme #pensée_critique #infobésité #atomisation #massification #identitarisme #nudge #évaluation #philosophie #langage #
#langage #philosophie #evaluation #nudge #Identitarisme #massification #atomisation #infobesite #pensee_critique #conformisme #technocratie #neonazisme #technofascisme #fascisme #capitaliste #neoliberalisme #societe_du_spectacle #new_public_management #competition #concurrence #economie_de_marche_libre #marche_libre #roland_gori #economie #politique #societe
damdamdamdam dam dam
damdamdamdam dam dam
damdamdamdam dam Paula
damdamdamdam dam dam
If you're interested in #Health promotion, #CognitiveDissonance and/or great #podcast episodes - I can thoroughly recommend the latest from #AllInTheMind:
Really well structured, as always. I find #Cognitive #Dissonance fascinating and used it a little in #RoadSafety as a gentle #nudge towards, well, non deadly #behaviour...
#health #cognitivedissonance #podcast #allInTheMind #cognitive #dissonance #roadsafety #nudge #behaviour
@ceruleanarc like any other word about the brain it is a quality, one dimension among many that can be used to describe a person's #personality. Some people have more or less of it. And it fluctuates over time. And you can #nudge someone's baseline #narcissism in either direction with flattery or #authentic #criticism and good natured humor that helps them grow and improve. So yea it's ok to point it out
#criticism #authentic #narcissism #nudge #personality
#Nudge niet teveel ... als je wil dat mensen mee #veranderen #transitie #gedrag
#gedrag #transitie #veranderen #nudge
Ik moest even denken, maar deze toot zit in mijn 'Acceptatiegebied'. Dus ik #Nudge verder niet. Oké?
> Psychology,.. has risen to prominence.. into other disciplines like economics, philosophy, and law; influencing policymakers; and spawning countless bestsellers like #Blink, #Nudge, and #ThePowerOfHabit. Speaking with the imprimatur of objective science, experimental psychologists have even begun to assume, in the popular imagination, the sort of introspective tasks that are usually assigned to the #humanities: The work of explaining what it means to be human.
#humanities #ThePowerOfHabit #nudge #blink
RT @faisal_naru: Come join the team - if you are passionate about #nudge and policy in Nigeria 🇳🇬. pls share 👍🏽 @CassSunstein @dilipsoman @R_Thaler @LiamDelaney2020 @Peguha @NinaMazar @katy_milkman @makkifadi https://t.co/ytyy78s0wx