Eduart is so used to seeing his young daughters completely naked that he doesn't even realize that his youngest daughter is growing up and his first reaction is to look at his wife Ruka's breasts and Ruka realizes that Eduart is looking at her.
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#kids #nudis
zoals altijd trekt Eduart de aandacht op een bijzondere manier naar een meisje wanneer hij voor de kleine gravin zorgt...
author's format and here is the link to her pixiv profile π Hier is mijn Pixiv-account π #Nudis #kid
Van tijd tot tijd maakt eduart een wandeling met zijn zwager Leo, ruka's tweelingbroer.
author's format and here is the link to her pixiv profile #Nudis #kid
Eduart's little daughter is notorious for her eredoing almost everything from her father and deference from the other children she at 8 years old goes and comes freely through the city without any fear after all she has that little jen from her father so at first glance it looks like she is just a child but in reality she is very strong and can defend herself without any help from her parents.
#Nudis #kid
Eduart and his little sequitos of girls
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#Nudis #kid