Eri :anime_hamtaro: · @drowsychaotic
6 followers · 31 posts · Server

As a there is no feeling better than rubbing my feet together on a soft fluffy blanket .
Absolute bliss :blobcatmelt: :blobcatmelt: :blobcatmelt:


Last updated 1 year ago

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity: · @btaroli
227 followers · 1565 posts · Server

Son had a great time attending a schoolmate’s birthday party yesterday. Beautiful location. All the ( ) kids did great together, even when challenges arose. But as with sone people, we’re both experiencing drop today. It makes it a little easier when you plan for it but it still happens.

#nuerodivergent #autistic #actuallyautistc #overload

Last updated 2 years ago

#Autistic and #allies I am working on a book about musical performance (Busking Unleashed...) most others direct "eye contact" with the audience. Brothers and sisters on Mastodon who are #actuallyautistic #nuerodivergent have educated us about the problematics of #eyecontact so I am showing this draft of a subsection of my chapter on stage presence, I am getting it right here? I would rather take criticism here than go to print with a bad take. Here is what I have: Stage presence: a note on eye contact Make eye contact with your audience in a manner consistent with your personal style and comfort level. You will see this repeated in busking guidance everywhere but that advice may be somewhat problematic for some people who are nuerodivergent. I once played viola de gamba and violin with an accomplished duet partner who was autistic. She was a skilled violist and taught me a lot about all the different tonal scale “temperaments” which are a vast topic for another book. But I also learned that people with autism have a unique ways of interacting and interpretation of non-verbal cues. So I would go a bit beyond the conventional advice and recognize that while a personable manner is helpful, it is not essential to busking. Some years later, I encountered a busker playing lovely classic rock on a six string guitar. This person avoided eye contact, even when accepting praise and gratuities. Clearly reluctant also to speak to anyone, I recognized this person was likely “ND” and probably many others going by picked up on the fact that this was someone who just wanted to relate through the music. In unspoken ways, this performer was educating the public to be open to diverse ways of being in the world. If you have an opportunity to play in ensemble with an autistic person, you may find that they have more than just greater attention to details but many other skills and abilities to focus that open new dimensions. My autistic partner, for instance, demonstrated attention to subtleties of intonation and “dotted rhythms” for which she had powerful abilities. Be mindful that there are people in the audience who may be nuerodivergent and may stop and listen without conducting themselves in accordance with your expectations. Keep an open mind and you may learn something. As for your own performance style, be aware that so-called “normal” people won’t be wild if you rivet a stare onto them. The “wolf stare”can be perceived as invasive. Some people in the audience will respond positively to a musician who puts them on the spot with a direct look and you may be permitted to serenade them. But aggressive eye contact is definitely a no-no for performers; you want to hit that sweet spot where people feel acknowledged, but not invaded.

#autistic #allies #actuallyautistic #nuerodivergent #eyecontact

Last updated 2 years ago

Golden Retriever GF · @GoldenRetrieverGF
32 followers · 76 posts · Server

let's get one thing right, I'm not an Erotic sex-machine. I'm a neurotic sex-machine XD.


Last updated 2 years ago

Martin Owens · @doctormo
1073 followers · 763 posts · Server

@teruterubozu says daughter is not , she's

Spread the word.

#nuerodivergent #nuerospicy

Last updated 2 years ago

Baba 🫖 Vtuber · @Teawithbaba
28 followers · 98 posts · Server

Good afternoon my turtleducks ~

Last night I took photos of my flock for record keeping purposes, but here are some of my sweet, colorful birds~

#nuerodivergent #vtuber

Last updated 2 years ago

Wow that that thing is about to fly off the screen and have a go at ya...
folks have a point really it is pretty normal to have some constraints on staring...

#cw #eyecontact #nuerodivergent #actuallyautistic

Last updated 2 years ago


This is a very revealing thread about eye contact, as per the self-identified community and why are entirely proper when E.C. is part of a post.

Hence, I am making this reply "public" rather than "unlisted", because imho these points summarize what has been revealed, as I understand it

What strikes me is that a lot of the things that self-identified people have said about is quite perceptive and seemingly applicable to so-called "normals".

I speculate that these sensitivities about eye contact actually are "normal" and that the distinciton with folks, to the extent they "diverge" is that they are just somewhat more sensitive to the invasiveness which is characteristic of eye contact.

Backing this up in my own experience w there is something called "thewolf stare" which is considered to be a prelude to potential aggression.

I think that "normal" people are simply in the habit of eye contact which is (1) brief and
(2) occasional.

Another proof is that it is considered socially unacceptable to stare.

In some sense, then, the are right and the "normies" are violative if they impose an expectation of an eye contact regime which makes others uncomfortable.

#autism #contentwarnings #actuallyautistic #eyecontact #nuerodivergent #dogtraining #autists

Last updated 2 years ago

Anya · @anya
146 followers · 976 posts · Server

YouTube auto-played an 8D version of Pentatonix's cover of "Hallelujah". I started sobbing. Havven't stopped for 20minutes. I don't know if it's the weird thing that happens to brains when listening to music or if it's , but I'm scared to put makeup on because I'll probably cry it off.

#nuerodivergent #grief #adhd

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin D · @Lucky_Th13teen
2 followers · 17 posts · Server

Hey! peers, did you notice your symptoms* get worse after getting COVID?

*The "non-desirable" traits associated with adhd

#adhd #adhders #nuerodivergent

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin D · @Lucky_Th13teen
2 followers · 17 posts · Server

@NeilEvansRocks seeing this as well here... Not sure if you had started hearing the rumors among the that post COVID our symptoms are increased. No peer reviewed sources I've found yet, but I keep hearing self accounts on Reddit regarding it...


Last updated 2 years ago

Thunder Cat · @adhdtv
5 followers · 11 posts · Server

I’m looking for adhd folks who work in data science 📊🐿️

It’s a job that can involve a lot of prioritization, context switch, juggling tasks, potentially lots of ad hoc questions, and that can add up to executive function overload!

It also can be a super interesting job where you are always learning new things and can be creative.

I’m curious how other people find the right balance for them?

@ADHD can you give a boost for reach? Thanks!

#adhd #datascience #python #rstats #nuerodivergent

Last updated 2 years ago

Action Vs Infectious Disease · @avid
150 followers · 102 posts · Server

Lots of folks on Mastodon identify as . Forbes is not really the definitive source of information but as the self-consciousness of the ruling class it tends to try to thoroughly present bourgeois analysis. With that caveat, here is how they explain it.

I am 100% open to critique.

#nuerodivergent #nd #nuerodivergence

Last updated 2 years ago

Jaime R Wood-Riley (She/ They) · @jaimerwood
96 followers · 107 posts · Server

People who have never been poor underestimate the effect has on a person's ability to . Those who overcome the of poverty are truly extraordinary. The same goes for the effects of being queer, , an immigrant, , or any other marginalized group of people. Dreaming requires .

#poverty #dream #Barriers #bipoc #disabled #nuerodivergent #courage

Last updated 2 years ago

Victor Jara (Tribute) · @poetapeligroso
89 followers · 261 posts · Server

@TheBird After listening to Jonathan on the podcast the other day, I agree with everything he says but am puzzled as to why no mention of in this long thread.

OK but when this is framed solely in terms of BIPOC then it perpetuates exclusion of and doesn't firewall against any form of which though not really a problem here, at all, at this time, occasionally does interfere with a .

I understand that against is not a sufficient remedy for the contend with, but to the extent that others (not Jonathan) overtly discourage "yts" from dialogue we create a centrifugal force of exclusionary identity politics.

White people who express solidarity with are bombarded by hateful DMs. To then be told by some leaders of indigenous conversation on Mastodon to stay out of moderation discussions, don't offer suggestions is a bit put offish.

At least Jonathan is engaging in broad dialogue and not an insular "POC-only" silo, so that is cool.

#lgbt #lgbtqia #peoplewithdisabilities #aapi #nuerodivergent #blacknationalism #unitedfrontagainstfascism #resistance #fascism #oppression #bipoc #poc

Last updated 2 years ago

LadyK · @coppertopmpls
126 followers · 73 posts · Server

12yo was up at 5am watching deep sea videos, and we talked about how nature loves patterns. We're all connected, the treetops, the path of water off a mountain, a basket star hidden in the dark of the ocean, a single nueron cell thinking about itself in my brain.

#nature #patterns #curiosity #parenting #autism #nuerodivergent

Last updated 2 years ago

LadyK · @coppertopmpls
120 followers · 61 posts · Server

My kiddos are nuerodivergent, and we opted to do a "just us" Thanksgiving. So far we've played with dogs, watched comfort shows, ate comfort foods, and had quiet alone time as needed. I'm sure we'll do the big chaotic family thing again, but for this year, I am thankful for the low stress day!

#lowstressthanksgiving #nuerodivergent #spaceisgood

Last updated 2 years ago

Ken Sparks · @Kensparks
60 followers · 110 posts · Server

One thing that really helps me focus and be productive while having is body doubling which is essentially working along side someone else at the same time. You don’t even have to be doing the same thing or even in the same room or even speaking to one another. You can Zoom with a friend for a period of time or use Flow Club which I use myself and highly recommend.

Oh! And be kind to yourself!

#mentalheaIth #nuerodivergent #productivity #nuerodiverse #adhd

Last updated 2 years ago

Jolie 🏳️‍⚧️ · @jolie
124 followers · 186 posts · Server

CW Question for the community. About eye contact. .
I appreciate all the thought that people here put into CW and want to be aligned.

How do you feel about avatars such as mine? Should I choose another?

#nuerodivergent #asm #tips

Last updated 2 years ago

comfcomf · @comfcomf
2 followers · 14 posts · Server